Chapter 691: The Little Aunt's Sister

When she finished going around the room and returned to the bridal chamber, she wondered who exactly in the bride's family would be so rude to rummage around like that.

"Auntie, are you hungry?" Yang Chuxia suddenly spoke up at the entrance of the bridal chamber, holding a bowl of egg soup and two plates of steamed buns in her hand.

The person inside the room obviously froze for a moment when they heard her voice, and the hand rummaging through things paused as well. Yang Chuxia added, "That box just has clothes in it, nothing else." She went inside and reminded her.

"Hehe, I was just taking a look." Feeling somewhat embarrassed by being caught, she laughed awkwardly.

Yang Chuxia just smiled and didn't ask any more questions. She then turned to Yang Dayong's wife, Ms. Liu, "Auntie, I brought some egg soup and a few meat buns. You can eat some to fill your stomach up first."

"Thank you so much."