Chapter 700: Let's Look at the Little Notebook Together

At this moment in the bridal chamber, Yang Chuxia had already changed out of her wedding dress and was wearing a lighter red outfit. She had sent Xiu'er and a young maid named Mingcui away, and was now leaning against the wedding quilt, secretly browsing a small booklet with great interest.

"What are you looking at? Why are you so amused?" Ye Zi'an saw her holding a booklet as soon as he pushed the door open, and she didn't even notice his entrance.

To his surprise, Yang Chuxia excitedly waved at him when she saw him. "Brother An, come, come, let's look at this little booklet together."

"Wife, how can you still call me Brother An?" Ye Zi'an's voice was a bit melancholy, and slightly annoyed.

Yang Chuxia cast a sidelong glance at him, smoothly changing her tone, "My husband, hurry up and come!"

With one call of "husband," Ye Zi'an was immediately satisfied and hurried over, "What are you looking at?"