Chapter 744: In a Dilemma

Thinking that if she could achieve her goal, she would definitely be able to live such a life, she took several deep breaths before speaking again.

"Xiaxia, your Fourth Aunt wants to discuss something with you, what do you think?"

Yang Chuxia glanced at her casually, took a sip of the osmanthus tea that Li's mother had brewed for her, and then leisurely said, "What's the matter?"

"Hehe, it's like this." Ms. Luo saw that Yang Chuxia's expression didn't seem very happy, but she still spoke up, "I have a child now, and he is your brother. As you know, boys require a lot of money. When they are young, they need to eat well, drink well, and dress well. When they grow up, they need to go to school and pursue fame. Which of these items, such as ink, paper, inkstone, and tuition fees, doesn't cost money? Besides, when he grows up, we have to build a new house for your brother and find him a wife. Getting a wife requires a betrothal gift, right?"