Chapter 750: Negotiation

"Yang Chuxia, long time no see, do you still remember me!" As soon as she entered the front hall, a woman with a similar hairstyle stood up and smiled at her.

"Yang Aoshuang? How come you're here too?"

She originally thought that only Li Shan had come, but she didn't expect Yang Aoshuang to follow. She remembered that ever since Yang Aoshuang went with the Li Family to Wangshui Town, she hadn't seen her for about two or three years.

"Why can't I come? I'm back to see my mother, I heard that that little bitch from my family bullied her until she couldn't bear it anymore, if I don't teach her a lesson, she doesn't know her place."

It's been a long time since she last saw Yang Aoshuang, who looked quite well-off. Yang Chuxia secretly thought, could it be that she had also found a good marriage?

Hearing that, Yang Chuxia couldn't help but think of the time when Yang Aoshuang had fiercely beaten up her father's mistress.

"Didn't your parents leave Wangquan Town already?"