Chapter 757: I Don't Know How to Make Sugar

After sending Shen Qiu away, Yang Chuxia and Ye Zi'an invited Mu Shaofeng to the study to discuss the matter of sugar cane.

"I heard that your family has harvested quite a lot of sugar cane, and it can't all be eaten anyway, so why not sell it to me and I'll transport it to Capital City to sell." Upon entering the study, Mu Shaofeng got straight to the point.

However, Yang Chuxia did not rush to agree.

Instead, she said, "I heard that most of the granulated sugar and white sugar nowadays is made from wheat and other crops like sweet beets. Even brown sugar is made from a blend of ingredients. Most of the sugar workshops are controlled by the government, like salt, and only a small portion of them are privately owned. Private workshops usually process malt sugar, like rock sugar, right?"

In modern times, most brown sugar is refined from sugar cane, but brown sugar here is not. Some are made from red dates, and some are a blend of honey and various other crops.