Chapter 138: Chaos (Anti-theft starts tomorrow)

Li Sheng and the other man hadn't gone far, and Li Sheng couldn't recognize Qin Yu in her current disguise.

But she didn't follow closely, instead turning a corner and hiding behind a small door at the side of the staircase.

Smoking was prohibited, and after being scolded by the manager, the two men had to go to the corner to smoke. The greasy old man started to smoke.

While smoking, Li Sheng asked, "What do you think? My daughter isn't bad, right? She's even been to school."

The middle-aged man glanced at him and smiled, "I'm marrying a daughter-in-law, not a scholar. Educated women are all messy and disobedient."

"Pfft, education is what makes her valuable," Li Sheng said.

The middle-aged man's gaze flickered, and he snorted, "Nonsense. We're not selling a daughter but marrying her properly."

"What's so proper about it? Just give me the money instead of the wedding," Li Sheng, uneducated and greedy, did not bother to conceal his true intentions.