Chapter 341: Digging People, Confessing (Beautiful or Not? Find out tomorrow!)

Qin Yu was someone he didn't know, but he knew she was rich, imaginative, and bold, always giving people a strong feeling.

"What do you think agriculture is?" Qin Yu asked him.

"Oh, food? Potatoes? Corn?" This person said with a bit of mockery.

"Should I thank you for not saying tomatoes? But even if you did, I wouldn't be mad, because a single North American potato pays hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes to governments each year, doesn't it?"

"Yes, as long as there's volume, even the smallest economy can be a significant capital. So, are you sure your agricultural empire has volume? Listen, Qin, I think with your ability, you should focus on creating a legend in the stock market – you've already made a 20x return on 500,000 US dollars, haven't you? You can keep going..."