Chapter 421: Into the Water (It's actually been 2024 days since I started writing)


Upon reaching the guesthouse by Erhai, they noticed the crowd. Almost every room was fully booked. Thanks to Qin Yuan's connections with Yunnan merchants, they were able to secure their accommodation ahead of time.

They parked their bicycles and got off. Qin Yu took the bag of cucumbers and the live fish off the back of the bike. She and Wen Xi entered the house, where Yu Sheng was getting ready to cook. Seeing what Qin Yu held, Yu Sheng looked surprised and gestured questions.

"They were gifts from Grandma Zhang in the village. Xiao Yu caught the fish herself, Auntie," Wen Xi responded. Yu Sheng was even more surprised because Wen Xi seemed to understand her sign language.

"I learned it before." Wen Xi laughed as she answered and helped bring in the stuff, including peeling cucumbers.

Qin Yu was not as tireless. She was about to sink into the sofa when Jiaojiao called her.


"Go outside to kill the fish."
