Chapter 546: Protecting You~ (Do you believe? Anyway, I believe)

But definitely not more than an hour, and the worst part now is - these black wolves are still tearing and biting the corpses of those strange monkeys on the ground.

"When I was fighting them, I judged that the toughness of these monkeys' skin and fur is even harder than a regular second-generation zombie's head. An ordinary person can't even stab it with a blade, only bullets and abilities have any lethality. But look at these wolves, their claws and teeth can tear easily, like tearing tofu. I suspect that these wolves' black skin might not even be penetrated by bullets."

Ye An analyzed the situation, but Cao De scoffed, "There is no need to exaggerate, you're just weak in attacking."

The two people always disagreed, and both adventure teams attacked each other on a daily basis. But at this critical point, attacking Ye An, isn't that guy an idiot?

What if Ye An moved the Isolation Shield away and didn't protect him? Then ~~