Chapter 726: Unhappy? (Something came up today, updated late, and there will be another update later.)


Qin Yu didn't say anything, and Chen Bao and the others didn't dare to ask. Wen Ju still had some time before her scenes were done, so Qin Yu and Wen Xi took a stroll nearby.

In fact, even though they had plenty of money and time, this was their first time in such a place.

At least forty or fifty film crews were in the large film and television base, and if everything was planned right, up to twenty could shoot simultaneously. With ancient, modern, and Republic of China Xianxia dramas all happening at once, it could be quite overwhelming.

Wen Xi's thoughts were not on that, however, and while they strolled, she asked: "What do you mean by Wu Dalang?"

Qin Yu looked back at her, "I thought you wouldn't ask, or at least ask something more serious when you did, but why did you start with such a vulgar, terrifying, and sad topic?"

What the hell?

Wen Xi was taken aback and couldn't help but chuckle, "What kind of explanation is that? How is Wu Dalang so~~~"