Learning to Drive

The hover bike slowly reaches 50 mpr while following the road. I notice the helmet has a heads-up display or HUD for short, the HLS had disappeared relaying all the information to the HUD.

Seeing the speed at 50 I wanted to test the full range this baby can reach. I hit the throttle to go faster but it still stays at 50. As I hit the throttle again I get a message on my hud [auto pilot engaged ]

I got frustrated that I couldn't drive this thing myself saying out loud "how do I turn off auto pilot so I fly this beauty.

Not realizing the helmet was voice controlled, causing the hover bike lurch forward as if shifting gears. The bike started to lose speed and head off road.

Panicking i grip the handle harder then necessary causing the bike launch forward again with great force going from 30 to 90 in about 2 seconds. Not expecting the sudden increase in speed sent my panicking to all new heights just barely making out the encroaching tree line of the property. Reacting to the approaching object in my way I pull back causing my arms to pull the handles back as well. Hearing a loud buzz below me the whole bike lifts up like doing a wheelie but as the front of the bike is in the air the whole bike follows. Taking off into the sky just missing the trees. Letting out a sigh of relief for not crashing my new bike in what like 10 minutes of getting it that would look bad. With no current dangers in the vicinity and catching my breath I calm down looking at the speed I see 120 mph. Sending a whole different sensation to flow through my body one of joy, excitement, of exhilaration as a smile etches it's way onto my face as I let out a primal yell "woooooOOOOO".

After about 20 minutes I collect my self ones again. Realizing that the controls aren't that hard to figure out. If I wanted to go up pull the handles back, go down handles forward. the steering was weird it felt like it turn with weight like a motorcycle but I'm pretty sure at the speed I'm going at my weight should have no impact on which way it goes. Making me think there's some type a weight stabilizer. It detects my weight and shifts the bikes weight to match what direction I was leaning in. Kinda cool if that's what it is, right now it's just a guess. Learning how to fly this thing is both fun and hard. Fun in the freedom it gives but hard in that I'm not use to the controls to move how I want without losing control.

I took about 30 minutes to just have fun flying around over the tree tops to across a lake. Watching as I leave a massive wake as I fly by. Being up here allowed me to see the city in the distance better than before it looked so close, but in reality it was really far away it's just the massive size of the city that made it seem so close. If estimated how long it would take to get there by car I'd say anywhere between 3 to 6 hours. But that's our world's cars haven't seen one in this world yet to compare. Though if I were to use my hoverbike I colde be there in an hour or two in a straight shot.

Thinking back to what I was doing before lurning how to fly. I pull up a map and start heading for the main hangar hoping to meet my uncle for the first time. It took about 40 minutes to get back to the compound allowing me to see its true scope. The whole place was like 9000 acres on a rough estimation that's like 3 international airport side by side in size. I see the entrance of the compound witch led to what I could assume was the family business main office. From the looks of the building it looks more like a laboratory or a R&D facility to me as I get closer. Further down the road I saw the massive hangar from earlier labeled with a big bold 1 on the the sides of building.

and what looked like two more further down labeled with 2 and 3 respectively. In front of the hanger were hundreds of smaller buildings some hangers some labs others looked like storage units. Just past the massive hangers stood 4 towers,

They looked like apartments by shape and design, but 1 was bigger than the rest. Coming to the conclusion that is where I had come from when leaving on the hover bike. I was awestruck at the sheer scope of this place and wondering what they could be making here to require this amount of resources an man power.

As I reach the first rode in the compound

The auto pilot kicks in and takes control. It brings me to the road and slows my approach to 50 mph once again as it starts heading to the main hanger. I guess there is some kind of safety system in place to prevent people from flying or speeding while they are in the facility which is pretty smart.

It takes about 10 minutes to get there. on the way I saw people for the first time since waking up witch brings some comfort knowing I'm not alone in this massive place. And saw what the cars looked like in this world just from a quick glance I could see they were mostly electric type vehicles from cars to trucks to industrial vehicles. Most had what I would call a futuristic design, but there were some that gave off a vintage look. But none hade hover technoloy I thought it was kind of weird maybe it was a money issue or an upkeep cost that were to high to have it as an everyday thing I'll find out later.

Finally my bike slows into a parking spot by the hanger. The engine slows to a stop as the bike gracefully lands on the ground. I take the helmet off and place it back in the back compartment as I stretch and fixed my hair as I did put on a helmet. Don't want helmet hair as a man or a trap it looks horrible either way. I start to walk to the doors of the hanger hoping my uncle was here.