Chapter 19.


"Jason, are you there?" I heard Eve say from one of the stalls but I was too shook to answer her.

"Jason!" She yelled in pain and that was when I came to my senses.

"Okay, I've heard. Give me a minute, I'll be back soon." I said and left the bathroom at once.

"Get the ones with wings." I heard Eve say quietly but I was too stunned by her request to go back and ask what she meant.

"Eve ... How am I supposed to.. oh God.. this is so embarrassing.. my my ..." I mumbled as I went to look for a shop that sells women stuffs.

Luckily, I found a pharmacy so I entered inside.

"Welcome, Feel free to look around." The person in charge said to me immediately she saw me. I nodded and walked around looking for what I was here to buy.