Chapter 83.


I sat down helplessly in front of Eve's ward. I couldn't bring myself to go in.

After returning from the emergency exit and sobbing for the nth time, there was nothing else to do than to sit and get lost in thoughts.

I couldn't think about anything. My head was blank and my eyes looked soulless.

"I think you should all go home and get some rest." My mom said as she got up from where she also sat and turned to face us all.

I simply glanced at her before looking elsewhere.

"Jason.." she called but I ignored her.

"Jason!" She yelled in a loud voice that caused me to wince before I turned to face her.

"What?" I snapped.

"Don't go all 'what' with me!" She snapped back. Then she sighed heavily and looked at me pitifully.

"You need to go home and get some rest." She said in a calm voice.

"All of you." She said pointing at everyone who was seated there.

"I'm not leaving this place." I managed to say.