I hurried out of the house just so I could back to the hospital in time. Since Mom and Grandma Nini wouldn't need to go back to the hospital that means Eve and I could get a chance to talk about our baby without having to whisper.
I heard giving babies nicknames before they're born actually makes them healthy and they easily recognize your voice as they're in the womb.
We have not gone to see an OB-GYN yet but we'll do that after we get discharged from the hospital.
But for now, I need to get to the hospital fast. I'm excited to be alone with Eve even if it's not in the comfort of our home.
I drove straight to the hospital and got out of the car. Once I entered into the hospital, I saw Max walking out on the other side but he was too far away to hear me and it wouldn't be wise to call out his name loudly so I didn't. Instead I went and took the elevator to the second floor where the ward is.