
I am shocked that I did try to hurt someone but I am more horrified to know that my hand landed nowhere Alison's face.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Gab gritted with a murderous gaze, "I came here from work and this is what I will be witnessing? I thought you were different. You are not as understanding and forgiving as I thought you were." he declared with such an ominous voice

"Ah!" I cried when a stabbing pain crawled on my wrist and through my arm because of his grip. He is not squeezing it that hard but his grip isn't light either.

Bryan butted in and snatched my wrist from Gab's grip. "You're hurting her!"

I almost lost my balance because of the force from Bryan's pulling and also because my sprained ankle hadn't totally healed yet.

"You are not part of this discussion so, fuck the hell off!" Gab barks at Bryan

"You are hurting Alice! That permits me to impede on your so-called discussion." Bryan fires back