The Agreement

"I am sorry it took me so long," I said as our lips parted

Smile and love gradually replace the shock on Bryan's face.

Bryan breaks off from hugging me and then gets in front of me. He lifts his hand and caresses my cheek with it, "You don't have to worry about a thing Al." he said, "I will not go anywhere you can't see me." he said and leans in to kiss me again but this time he kisses me on my trembling lips.

Maybe it is just me, overthinking about everything, but I think I saw Bryan glances behind me and throw a smug at someone but it is only for a split second. I might be wrong.

"Not anymore," Bryan mumbles before our lips touch

I close my eyes and accept his kiss.

I don't know how long was our kiss but it almost take my breath away when we heard a loud thud sound coming from the kitchen followed by a shattering glass sound.

I retreat from the kiss and then went to the location of the noise.

Someone or something might have broken in our kitchen.