Episode 58


Episode 58

"Alright, now let's look at what the bible says concerning our lives as Christians. There is something we believers don't understand about this flesh we are carrying. We don't know that our spiritual lives needs our serious attention. We live carelessly, walk around carelessly. Do things anyhow and blame God for our failures.

Open to Proverbs 4:23."

He quickly opened it on his phone and read.

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

"Who is going to do the keeping of the heart? God or you?"

"Me!" He answered.

"Now let me tell you something my dad taught me about the human heart. The heart of man is the only defenseless part of a Christian. It has no walls to protect it, no gates, no barriers.

The only protection your human heart has is you."



"I don't understand."

"The reason why I said the human heart is defenseless is this. Demons can come there, the Holy Ghost can go there, Satan can go there as well. Any spirit at all can come to your heart and begin to whisper anything to it. They are free to make any suggestions to your heart.

Remember, your heart is a listener. So all those times you thought you were the one thinking you were only listening the of a spirit. So Satan can come to your heart and suggest masturbation to you. The Holy Ghost can also come and suggest evangelism to you. Your heart will always be there as the recipient, listening to whatever these spirits are whispering to you and acting based on whatever they suggest.

Now the bible says, keep your heart with all diligence. Can you tell me what is the meaning of diligence?"

"Hardwork, carefulness, delicateness and watchfulness," Romeo answered.

"Good! So that means the person is watchful, observant. What is he watching out for? Open to Psalms 19:14."

He quickly unlocked his phone and read when he opened to the passage.

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

"What did the writer say?"

"He said let the words of my mouth and the meditation going on in my heart, be what is acceptable in God's eyes."

"What does that mean?"

"It means there are certain thoughts that I allow in my heart that are not acceptable to God. So whenever God finds me thinking that way, he's not happy with me," Romeo answered.

I seriously loved the way he was giving me the correct answers. This guy was really smart.

"Exactly! Now can you mention one of those thoughts that you can think in your heart that will make God to suddenly become unhappy with you once he finds you thinking about them? Mention one of them."

"For instance the bible says in Matthew 5:28. But what I tell you is this. If a man looks at a woman who is not his wife and lusts after her in his thoughts, he has already committed immorality with her, right there in his heart.

So I believe one of the meditation that goes on in our heart that is unacceptable to God is we lusting after the opposite gender. Whenever God who sees our thoughts finds us satisfying our carnality by looking at a lady, a boy or using our imagination to paint a picture of we striping a person and commiting immorality with that person, he is not happy."

"Can you see it for yourself?"

"Yes! Now I understand! So if I'm going to overcome pornography, the battle starts in my mind. If I can say no to those nude pictures that usually appear in my head and fuels my urge to browse pornography, then I wouldn't even have anything to do with pornography anymore."

"Exactly!" I said excitedly.

"But I still have a question?"

"Go on I'm all ears."

"How can I fight the thoughts that come to my head? You said something really touching. You said my human mind is the only defenseless part of me. Demons of pornography and masturbation come there whenever they like and they begin to show me pictures of nude ladies.

Now you have made me understand they are responsible for powering my imaginations to paint pictures of myself masturbating or commiting immorality with a stranger, sometimes even with girls I know. I now understand who is responsible, but how can I stop them from trespassing.

I don't need them coming to my mind. Please, how do I send them away completely so they stop coming. I want only the Holy Ghost to come to my mind and suggest evangelism, or prayers, or suggesting that I carry my bible and read it.

I don't want demons coming to my mind anymore. Please, how do I go about it?"

I smiled.

"Now that's a good question. Romeo, open to 2 Corinthians 10:3."

He quickly opened to the passage and read.

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

Verse 4. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Verse 5. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

"Stop there!"

He paused and paid me his full attention.

"I want you to pay attention to that statement, 'casting down every imagination.' That's the key to your freedom.

The devil brings suggestions, yes. The devil paints pictures of you commiting immorality, yes. The devil shows you a picture of yourself commiting masturbation, yes.

See, let me tell you something. Having those thoughts at first is not a sin. But when you allow them to stay in your heart and you begin to enjoy the pleasure of sin that the thought is giving to you. When you reach down for your skirt or you trouser zip and begin to fondle the organ God gave you for reproduction. That's when it becomes a sin.

So having the thought doesn't make you a sinner, it's allowing the thoughts to stay and end up controlling you. That is what God hates.

I'm not trying to confuse you. You cannot control the thoughts that come to your head, but you can control the thoughts that will stay in your head and the one that will not stay."

He gave me a look of surprise.

"Am I shocking you?"

"Yes! Because, whenever those porn videos start playing in my head, they are very stubborn. No matter how I fight to get them off my mind, they keep coming to me. They don't stop at all, untill I give in and watch them, that's when the urge fizzles out.

You telling me I can control them looks like a dream to me. I have tried several times and it's not working to my satisfaction. Could there be anything I have not been doing?"

"Yes! Now listen to me very carefully. I will repeat what I said earlier. You cannot control the thoughts that come to your head, but you can control the thoughts that will stay in your head and the one that will not stay.

Do you know why I said that?"


"Because your thoughts are like houseflies."

"Hmmmmm! Houseflies?"

"Yes! Can you stop houseflies from flying around you?"

"No! That won't be easy!"

"Good! You cannot stop them from trespassing. You cannot stop them from flying around you. But I want to ask you another question."

"Go on."

"Can you stop them from perching on you?"

"Yes I can."

"That's exactly what that scripture is saying. Casting down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. You cast them away. You say know to those evil thoughts. You say no to those unclean spirits and cast away those images they are painting in your head."

Now some houseflies are very stubborn. Am I correct?"

"Yes oooo! You'll pursue them, they'll come back. You'll pursue them again, they'll still come back. You'll pursue and pursue, yet they keep coming back!"

"But if you don't give up. If you keep chasing and chasing them away, what will happen?"

"Wow! Oh my God! I just realized it now! They will definitely stop coming because even the bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you. Jesus is Lord!

I can't believe it! So this is how the devil has been tricking me into giving in to sin. He keeps coming and coming to make me feel as if I will never have peace until I commit sin. But if I keep resisting, he will definitely flee from me.

Because the bible says, weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. The devil makes me feel as if the urge will never fizzle out until I masturbate, but God know that if I don't give up, I'll end up becoming victorious.

Because Matthew 24:13 says. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Not he that endures for a while and later give in. But he is hat stays till the end. So that urge will definitely go away, no matter how strong it is, it will definitely go away. If only I don't stop casting down that evil imagination. If only I don't stop praying, if only I don't stop filling my heart with the word of God.

Quoting scriptures and allowing them to speak to my heart. Because the bible also says in the book of James 1:12. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

Wow! Thank you so much!"

"We thank God for the revelation. I can't believe you also know alot of scriptures. I'm amazed by all you said," I said smiling.

"I also do my best to study the bible as well. Now I have found the cure. Satan was only playing with my mind. He was only taking advantage of my ignorance.

No wonder the bible says my people are perishing for lack of knowledge. Haaaaa! Jesus! The devil is wicked ooo!"

"Fear and ignorance are the most powerful weapons in the hands of the devil. A lot of people are fond of praying that may I never suffer for what I don't know. I'm sorry to say that what you don't know will not only make you suffer, it will kill you and bury you.

"That's absolutely true. I really thank God for everything. Now I'm ready to fight the devil and win. I know that the more I keep winning, the more the grip of the devil is fading off! I am so ready for this!"

I was loving this excitement I was seeing in the young man.

To be continued...

I dedicate this episode to all those who had been bold enough to open up to me and share their struggle with immorality.

The rate at which masturbation is destroying the spiritual lives of many believers is alarming.

Go ahead and apply these principles to your life.

Remember, whenever you are resisting the devil, don't be the one getting tired. Make sure the devil is the one getting tired. Let the devil be the one giving up, not you.

If you can endure the temptation till the end, heaven will congratulate you. For every temptation you overcome there's a spiritual promotion that follows.

Don't forget, after casting down the evil imagination, don't leave your mind empty. Fill it with the word of God.

Psalms 119:11. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

So go ahead and give the spirit of pornography and masturbation a deadly fight!

I await your testimonies.