Episode 16


Episode 16

"You don't mean it?" Ope laughed out loud.

"I mean it girl. It was what I told him that resulted to the whole drama you were seeing!"

"Wow! That's absolutely amazing! That means Kayla and her family are going to be slaughtered as well today. This is going to be awesome. Oh my God! I can't wait!" Ope said grinning.

As we were talking, Mrs Okoro's image appeared in my subconscious mind. It was as if I saw her and at the same time I didn't. Well, I waved it aside and continued gisting with Ope.

That was when I saw her image again. Was I having a vision or something?

I didn't hear a voice, but I had this nudge in my spirit to bow my head and pray a little.

So I quickly did the exercise and I got to see a different picture. I say Mrs Okoro putting on a shiny armour and holding a sword in her hand. But soon I saw her taking off her armour and handing it over to a demon. He was so excited as she handed her weapons over to him.

She looked at him and made these statements.

"I'm not looking for trouble. I came here to work and earn a living, not to get involved in spiritual warfare. So please, I won't trouble you and you won't trouble me. Let's live in peace, is that a deal?"

"Deal!" The demon replied and disappeared.

I opened my eyes.

"Mrs Okoro!" I muttered.


I was glad it was break time already.

"Ope! There's something I need to do right now. Daddy is calling my attention to something," I said as I stood up.

"Oh! Can I come with you?"

"NO!" Daddy replied sharply within me.

"Okay sir!" Ope replied.

I looked at her with shock on my face. I never told her no, it was daddy that was giving me a reply to her in my spirit. How come she heard what Daddy said and replied him? She was supposed to say okay ma, but instead, she said okay sir.

She smiled as she saw the look on my face.


"Yes!" She chuckled.

"Are you...."

"Yes I am!"

"I heard him too! He lives in both of us sis!"

"Are you saying that as God is telling me something he's also telling you the same thing at the same time?"

"Not exactly, sometimes yes, sometimes no. But right now, he needs you to speak with someone. Who? I don't know, but I believe it's a student, no wait! I'm hearing a teacher! He wants you to speak with a teacher. A female teacher!"

I shook my head in awe.

"Ope, can this be true? You're growing into your prophetic rank right in my presence. You're beginning to learn how to get accurate information from the Holy Ghost in the prophetic!"



"Wow! I didn't realize!" She smiled.

I threw my arms around her and hugged her.

"How did I get here?"


"I mean arrive at this prophetic anointing. When did it descend on me?"

"No! It never descended on you!" I shook my head.

"It has been in you all this while. Prayer unlocks your spiritual gifts."

"I don't understand!"

"Ope! Those spiritual gifts and prophetic anointing are like caked oil. Have you seen a congealed oil before?"

"Yes! When. The weather is cold, some of the oil in your kitchen congeals. We have to heat them before we would be able to use them."

"Exactly! That's how your spiritual gifts are. See ehn! You don't just pray because you have prayer requests. That's why prayer is a thing you must do everyday. There are so many things your consistency in observing your quiet time will do to you that you won't even know it was responsible for it.

When you are consistent with your quiet time, you begin to go into your spirit and unlock your potentials. You begin to unlock your gift of prophecy, gift of singing, gift of teaching, gift of healing. Suddenly you pray for a sick person and healing takes place instantly. You won't understand that it was your consistency in spiritual activities that awoke those manifestations the Holy Ghost in you.

That's why when the bible says, pray without ceasing, it wasn't joking. Obedience is indeed better than sacrifice.

So Ope, when I found out the plenty things that my prayer life does to me. I decided to be consistent with my quiet time. I know very well that so many deposits of the Holy Ghost are still in me and I will continue to press into God for more.

The bible says, whosoever in thirsty, let him come unto me for it is written, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters. You're not only going to be connected with the living waters, you're going to become a channel through which the living waters can flow to bless other lives.

That's how it works!"

"Wow!" Ope exclaimed.

"I must go now!" I smiled and patted her cheek. I was loving this my daughter more.

I quickly left and went in search of Mrs Okoro. Immediately I appeared at the door of the classroom where she sat, our eyes met.

She was gisting with a colleague.

"Ahh.... Juliet Anderson the woman of God! The one that causes commotion on the assembly ground!" The male teacher hailed.

"Good Morning sir!" I greeted him politely with a slight bow.

"How are you doing our revivalist?"

"I'm doing great!"

I looked at Mrs Okoro and my eyes spelt it out. I needed to be in a one on one conversation with her.

"Chamuke! Let's talk later. I need to have a word with her!" Mrs Okoro said, fixing her eyes on me.

"Oh! Were you the one that summoned her?"

"Please, just excuse us!" Was her reply to his question.

"Okay! I guess you want to tell her to mellow down. Please do oooo! Broadway Academy is not the right place for soul winning. Help her to understand that oooo! I know you have a lot of experiences to backup your words."

"Chamuke!" Mrs Okoro called sternly.

"Okay!" He said with a mischievous grin and left.

I looked at her as soon as the teacher was gone and for the next 3 minutes, all we did was staring into each other's eyes.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" I asked.

"I knew this day would come. I didn't expect it would come sooner. No one should blame me. I did all I could to fulfill this mandate. I was just... just.....just!"

"There's no justification for abandoning your God given duty. Heaven is know or two things, mercy and at the same time, inexcusableness. You cannot give God excuses when what he's asking for is results."

"Hey! How old are you that you're talking to me that way? I'm not your age mate. You don't know anything about me, so just learn to keep your mouth shut!"

I smiled.

"Mrs Okoro, I'm sorry if I offended you. But stop hiding under the canopy of I'm older than you. You're spiritually matured enough to know when God is talking irrespective of the vessel he's using.

Because the god I know in the bible had to even use a donkey to speak to his servant. So if God could use a donkey to speak, an ordinary animal, why wouldn't he use a human?"

She bowed her head and sighed deeply.

"Listen, I'm a mother of 3 okay! I don't have time and there's so much work to be done. I have to meet up with my marital responsibilities and at the same time, my spiritual responsibilities. I was choked up with so much.

Juliet, you're just a little girl. You cannot understand what I'm trying to describe. The things I'm describing, only a lady who is a mother can understand," she explained.

"Yes! I really which that would help right now. But I remember my bible describing 3 kinds of believer. The first ones heard what God wanted them to do and didn't understand what he was saying. Satan cane in a jiffy and stole the message from them.

The second category understood and applied it to their lives and began to do what God wanted them to do. But when pressure came and they were tested on their assignment, they failed.

But when you mentioned the word choke. I had to place you in the third category of believers. They obeyed God and did what he asked them to do. But soon, they were choked by a lot of activities. So many responsibilities. They had a husband to look after. They had children to look after. They had a job that was time demanding. They had an office in the church that made them stay back for hours when others were closing and going back to their houses.

They had so many things on their lists that they didn't have time to pray anymore. Even when they tried to pray, they were too tired and chosed to sleep so they can pray better. Only to realize that for one good month, they have not fellowshipped with the Holy Spirit.

And instead of them to cry to God, they console themselves and give God all the excuses I mentioned earlier. And at the end of the day, they abandon their purpose and live for something less. They live like they were not given any assignment. They live like normal people on earth, who have nothing to live for apart from earning money so as to have food on their table.

Mrs Okoro! You're a soldier of the cross. But you have abandoned your secret place. You have abandoned your calling and shifted focus. You have left what your maker has called you to do. You have left your spiritual office of intercession.

I know you have good reasons. You have been a busy person and a small girl like me will not understand because I am not a mother. But the problem here is that heaven will never accept that kind of excuse.

Let me even correct myself. Heaven will never accept excuses. Mrs Okoro! Stop hiding under the lies of the devil. There are women who are not only mother of 3 but 5 and they're on fire, burning for God.

What are you saying? Are you the only mother on earth? You're giving God flimsy excuses and you expect him to clap his hands and say, weldone, good servant. Thank you for the excuses you gave me for not fulfilling your purpose. I really enjoyed your excuses."

I was still talking when she bowed her head and began to weep.

I reached out for her hand across the table.

"Your altar is full of ashes. Mother in Israel!"

She looked up with shock written on her face.

I smiled at her.

"What did you just called me?"

"Mother in Israel," I answered.

"How did you know my nickname?"

"Your nickname?"

"Yes! That's a secret name between me and the Holy Ghost! He's the only one that calls me by that name. How come you got it in few minutes of speaking to me?" She asked with teary eyes.

I smiled and shook my head.

"Daddy dropped the word in my spirit."

"Juliet! I'm ready to come back. I'm ready to join the army again. My altar has been cold for many days. No amount of excuses I give to God will suffice for my negligence.

Please lead me to him again!" She said weeping.

That was how she rededicated her life back to God.

As soon as I finished praying for her, Mr Chamuke walked in.

"Haaaaaaaa! Juliet has infected another person with her crying sickness. She has graduated from students, it has moved to teachers now!" He said and we both burst into laughter.

To be continued...

Bro Ayo you won't understand, I've been so busy these days. When I come back from work, I'm usually so tired. I don't have time for myself anymore. Any little time I have is to rest.

I wish you could understand where I'm coming from, but you won't! It has not been easy for me. Bro Ayo! To pray these days is a struggle, my work is taking all my time.

I'm a mother! Coupled with the load of activities from work as well. It has never been easy for me.

Have those words ever come out of your mouth?

I believe this episode is speaking to someone.