Episode 42


Episode 42

© Ayo Omolayo

"Number two is..."

"Mummy can I ask a question?" Ope asked.

"Go ahead!"

"What happens when you successfully suppress those guilty feelings and continue in those acts? God never spoke, he just took away your peace. Is God still going to hold it against you, since there was no conversation on that issue? Will God hold it against such an individual?"

"Ope, if you're waiting for God to tell you directly or come down from heaven to speak, it shows you're proud. When he's speaking without words and you're able to decode the message, what else are you looking for?

The bible says, 'Once have you spoken, twice have I heard.' You're to hear him twice, not to mention him speaking about something and you're asking him to appear to you before you'll obey. That's pride and that would never make God to reveal things to you.

I believe you're clear with that because number two is, God will make the demand in plain words."

We all looked at each other nonpulsed. 

"Yes, he'll come out in plain words and tell you this is what I want. I don't want you putting on any makeup. I don't want you watching football matches anymore. Delete all the games on your phone, I don't want to ever see you playing games anymore. Stop watching cartoons, I don't want to see you watching it. You're only to login on social media twice a day and spend only one hour.

God starts giving specific instructions to handle our weaknesses. Like when he notices that you have love for Korean movies alot, he'll make it a rule that you must not watch Korean movies again, just to help that weakness. This was exactly the same thing we saw in the bible in the relationship between God and Israel.

He knew that Israelite men had a weakness. So that was why he told them that as an Israelite, don't marry a woman who is not an Israelite. He was handling their weaknesses. But Solomon didn't understand why God made that a rule. He was ready to explore all kinds of women. He began to marry and break the rules God gave them concerning marriage. That was how the wisest man ended up doing one of the most foolish thing on earth. 

Imagine if me and all the females in this room were Robert's wives!"

"God forbid!" Romeo snapped his fingers. 

We all burst into laughter.

"That's how serious it is. Only one man married 700 women and had 300 concubines. All of them put together was one thousand. Just one man! I wonder how he would be able to move round, visiting all of them."

We started giggling. 

"It's a wonder to me. How all those women were nothing but a big crowd. It's really amazing.

Well that's an aside. But we discovered that Solomon's love for God could not survive under that atmosphere. Because it was a weakness every Israelite man has. We saw a replica in the life of Samson. Israelite men are lovers. They love genuinely. It's a weakness in them and when God saw it, he gave them a rule to protect them from entering into the trap of the enemy.

Many people today struggle with masturbation because there's this particular rule God gave them which they refused to obey. Many are struggling with anger, because there's a particular instruction God gave them to handle that anger weakness, but they have refused to oblige. They believe it's too difficult and they chose to do it their own way. This is what has led to the struggle of many believers.

At the end of the day, we discover that if we had followed what God said we should, life would have been a lot more easier. We end up regretting everything we did and beg God for mercy. A problem that our simple obedience would have avoided.

That's what happens. Now, I need to tell you that your consecration is an instruction God gives you to handle your weaknesses and fill you with the anointing.

But not all consecrations are meant to get you the anointing. A major role consecration does is to make you indomitable. So if you have certain things you have let go of, be more ready to let go of everything. The anointing will cost you everything. That's the price. God will make demands, but he will keep making more and more demands untill he empties you of you, And fills you with him. 

So, there are some men of God who just go on a 7days fasting every month to maintain the anointing upon their lives. It's a consecration for that particular anointing. So, after God has given you rules for that particular weakness, he'll give you rules to take you to the realm where the anointing in you will be activated.

So for some of you, God will say he wants you to give him one hour every single day personally. Some of you, God will say that you should give him 2 hours of praying in the Holy Ghost from 12 midnight till 2am. 

We all differ, so are the instructions the Holy Ghost will give us. Some of you, he will say, get the messages of men of God like Joshua Selman, Arome Osayi, Gideon Odoma, Mike Orokpo and Lawrence Oyor. Listen to one or two messages every day. A day must not pass without you listening to their messages.

Some of you, he'll tell you as a music minister, to listen to chants by Theophilus Sunday and other anointed worshipers. He might tell some of you to always play chants in your room, for at least one hour. 

Strange and crazy instructions. All of this is building up your spiritual capacity. When the anointing will suddenly fall upon you, you'll be shocked at how God will teach you how to handle it. 

Let me use myself for an example. When the healing anointing fell on me, that was on campus. I discovered that from time to time, I always felt a burning in my stomach whenever the healing anointing was about to work. 

At first, I didn't understand, so I asked Daddy. He told me that whenever I wanted to heal a sick person, that immediately I start desiring to pray for that sick person, I will begin to feel that heat. It was a signature that the healing anointing was about to break out. So he said I shouldn't hesitate, once I pray for that sick person, that person would be healed.

It was a complete change in my life. I never knew it was that serious. Whenever I start desiring to pray for anyone sick, that oil begins to boil. 

That's what we call mastery. I had left the realm of struggling to get people healed and moved to the realm of mastery. When you enter that realm, God will anoint you and teach you how to use it. It's like giving a soldier a weapon and training him on how to use that weapon effectively. That's how it works. 

So we really have a long way to go. There are realms in God that's why we cannot settle for less. Having a prayer life is not enough. We must all grow above that. All what this consistent quiet time and prayers is doing to you is building your capacity. There are measures of power that will rest upon you that will almost kill you, if you don't have capacity. 

You must not joke with what the Holy Ghost will tell you in this meeting. As we launch into prayers. 

Now, Samson had a consecration that kept the anointing working. Even when he deviated and started living a sinful life, the anointing was still there, because God is a God of covenant. He will always be faithful to his covenant. 

The only thing that made God to leave was when the criteria for the anointing was broken. That's the reason why you see men of God sleeping around and yet, the anointing is still working. But that's not a good thing. 

What I want to really call your attention to is that, your consecration for your anointing must be kept a secret. What destroyed Samson was his inability to keep his covenant with God a secret. I'm not saying you can't share it with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. But don't share it with the enemy.

Open to the book of Job 29:2."

I quickly opened it and read.

"Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me; 

Verse 3. When his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness; 

Verse 4. As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle; 

Verse 5. When the Almighty was yet with me, when my children were about me; 

Verse 6. When I washed my steps with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil; 

Verse 7. When I went out to the gate through the city, when I prepared my seat in the street! 

Verse 8. The young men saw me, and hid themselves: and the aged arose, and stood up. 

Verse 9. The princes refrained talking, and laid their hand on their mouth. 

Verse 10. The nobles held their peace, and their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth. 

Verse 11. When the ear heard me, then it blessed me; and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me."

"Can you see all the honorariums that followed the life of Job? But did you notice something he said in verse 4?"

"Yes ma!"

"As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle.

There's a secret to the mighty wealth of Apostle Job. Why are you guys surprised I'm calling him an apostle?"

We started giggling. 

"I was listening to David Ibiyeomie of Salvation Ministries teaching one day. And he said God gave him a secret to his overflow of wealth. God told him that as long as you remain a giver, no power on earth can make you poor.

This is what I mean by the secret of the Lord. 

But the reason why I'm cautioning you is because, some secrets must not fall into the hands of the enemy. You can share your secrets with a fellow brother in Christ to strengthen him and help him, just like I'm sharing mine with you. But don't give it to the enemy. 

The bible says you must not give pearls to pigs. They'll trample it in the mud. 

Now I want us to do the practical aspect of this teaching. Go down on your knees and begin to ask God to name his price. Ask him to tell you what he wants. That thing he wants you to surrender.

Go ahead and cry to him."

We all went down on our knees and began to blast in tongues.

"Daddy, please help me! I don't want this window to be shut over my head. Please help me! Help me Holy Spirit! Ask and I will give you whatever you want."

"JULIET, GIVE ME 3 DAYS MARATHON FASTING IN EVERY MONTH." That was the bombshell daddy dropped.

To be Continued........

I remembered when I taught this same class last year. The spiritual Nazarite and the price for the anointing. There was this guy who listened with rapt attention. When I said let's do the practical and told everyone to kneel down and ask God what he wanted, I heard him crying.

"God it's too difficult!"

He kept repeating those words while the prayers were going on.

Later during the week, he visited me and began to share with me his testimony. How he was speaking with his classmates about God and without any prior notice, the Holy baptism took place. 

The guy burnt the school with fire that day, he got almost 6 students baptized in the Holy Ghost that same day. 

Are you ready to pay your price? It won't be easy, but it's for your destiny.

Go ahead and cry to God. Lord help me to pay the price! I cannot be less of what you made me. I refuse to be less. For there's a fire inside me that is capable of burning the world. Nigeria is too small! America is too small! 

Go ahead and cry to God!