The following morning, as I sat on the edge of an office chair, I told Grace that dates were officially off.

Lily gaped as she clasped her arms across her chest. Are you insane, she asked.

Why was I required to respond to her as well? Best buddies for life, but right then she was getting on my nerves. I raised my chin even higher.

That was his final action: "He broke the rules."

Grace gave a small smile from the corner of her mouth. She was impressed, despite the fact that she would have to perform the job of finding a replacement for me. She regarded me more than the others even though she treated everyone on the team equally since she knew I wasn't a pushover.

Lily was the one with the issue. Her eyebrows scrunched up as her shoulders relaxed. Where is Livia's brain? The man is worth $1 billion. He has enough money to cover your tuition expenses and the medical expenses for your father. You remember, it's your dream.

I looked at her sternly and told her, "I haven't forgotten about that." That's why I'm leaving, I said.

As Grace's mouth opened, she recoiled. She let go of her shoulders once again, her lips forming a serene smile. But we had already decided on one last project. Projects usually have four to five dates, but sometimes even more. If I had known you were going to break up after just one date, do you think I would have let you replace Lily?"

My skull's bottom hurt. They weren't paying attention. I retried, speaking clearly this time. "I would have been happy to go on four to five dates, but I have ethics, and his kiss was too long and uncomfortable. I reiterated, "I made it clear in my profile that I would not engage in such behavior. My pores burst out into a burning sweat when I recalled how my body temperature had risen to that degree. I shivered as I fixed my bra because he had made me so anxious.

With one hand on the desk, Lily leaned in my direction. "Let me be clear about this. Because of a lengthy kiss, you're leaving?

She made an attempt to sound ridiculous. But how was I supposed to leisurely kiss a different person every week? Eww. I had to draw the line, and I was shocked that she hadn't done the same. I took in a breath. "Yes. Long make-out sessions are not allowed.

Shaking her blond hair, Lily waved the response away. Give him to me, and I'll fuck him silly.

She had a fever and was resting in bed a few days prior while wearing her bathrobe.

"Were you ill at all?" I took a fast breath in as my mind began to work. That's not a horrible concept, really. Looking to trade? You supplant me. However, I would much rather have your dull Mr. Wilson.

Grace interrupted, "Quiet down, girls." "Nobody's gonna swap and fuck poor Smith dumb. This morning, he called.

I was slanting toward her desk. This should work out well.

He offered to pay a penalty price...a bonus...and expressed regret for the contract violation.

My butt slipped from the edge of the seat, and I struggled to keep from gasping. "What?"

She seemed to be assessing me as her eyes travelled down my body. $10k was paid for the blue-clad girl.

In her chair, Lily reclined. Oh my god.

Grace grinned while keeping her mouth open. She cocked her head to the side and grabbed her phone. Will you let him know you're free on Friday?

As I considered my possibilities, my thoughts became confused. I squinted my eyes and tensed up. That would pay for an absurd amount of costs. I reopened them and my gaze fell on her pretentious face. I muttered, "Yes, Ma'am.

Her gaze never wavered. No blink at all. Enjoy yourself, sweetie.

As more queries flooded my mind, Lily and I left the office. Why in the world would he spend that much money on a date? My face started to scowl and I was powerless to stop it. My veins began to pump with adrenaline. "Has he gone crazy?"

The woman halted in the corridor. Can't you see what's happening here?

In response to her excellent question, I raised my hand in protest and grinned bemusedly. No, I beg you, Mr. Einstein, enlighten me. You already know the solutions. Tell me why a wealthy, attractive billionaire would spend $10,000 on a date with a stranger.

She gave a brief response before quickly closing her mouth. "Hold on a second. You like this, right?

"No." I gave my head a jolt. No, definitely.

Arms crossed, she said. False, Livia. It's kind of hot, you have to admit that.

"Okay, it's flattering. He's so alluring that I melt in his presence," I mumbled, winding a lock of hair around my finger and letting it fall. My mouth was wet with need, and I immediately regretted what I'd spoken, but I persisted. He breathes breathless compliments into my ear, and it feels as though the world has stopped spinning when he does so. His kisses are demanding yet sweet and tender.

Half-dollar coins may fit in Lily's eyes. "Lord, show mercy. Even hearing about him makes me want to sex.

I inhaled deeply and straightened my spine. "He is a strong man who is dangerous and cunning. And that is what is so terrifying about everything.

She made a scratch in the center of her forehead. "Hmm. What type of man would spend that much money on dinner with no guarantee of sex?

Over my chest, a tightness developed. It was wrong to promise sex, and I wasn't going to break the law to accommodate him. not in the least.