An unconventional proposition

The front door was shaken by a knock. Most likely a wandering salesperson. I would tell whoever it was to go. If I'm still having trouble paying my dad's medical bills, I won't be able to get a new hoover or gutter system. The moment I pulled open the door and saw what was on the other side, my heart began to accelerate.

  Smith Mason was standing on my porch with his hands in pockets made of dark denim. He opened his lips as he fixed his dark-blue eyes on mine. "Hey."

  Is that it? 'Hey' only? He only had that one word after everything that transpired between us last night—the persistent arousal, the heated argument, and the threat to drag me into his bed? I took a sip. I asked, "What are you doing here?"

  He looked so deeply into my eyes that I had to turn away. "I visited you, Livia. and to express regret.

  My veins thundered with rage. So you simply need to say that to make everything disappear, right?

  His fists curled inward as his eyes glanced from the doormat to me. He cast an aimless glance into the corner. I apologize for not being the kind, considerate man you need.

  I made an effort to contain the frown that was about to break out over my face. He was attempting to guilt-trip me, but I wasn't buying it. "You have some guts to come here. How did you manage to get my address?

  He turned his attention towards the driver of a black Lincoln Navigator who was seated behind the wheel.

  I instantly recognized the source of my information. He should be commended for his devoted chauffeur. My thoughts started to quickly create a reply. "I have the right to terminate service if there is a contract violation."

  He made a lip purse. "Good. The service will now terminate.

  My jaw clenched. So why was he here to provoke me when he had already found another escort? My imagination worked nonstop to picture his haughty ass. I decided it was a waste of time and instead closed my eyes. Why continue the conversation if I'm that worthless? "Fine," I said as I took a step back from the entrance and reached to close it.

  He drew forward and tucked his foot in the space between the door and the jamb. Dammit, give me a chance.

  A scent of musk and sandalwood drifted to my nose. My breath became laboured.

  "Who's there down there?" The sound of Dad's words echoed throughout the home.

  I took a deep breath and straightened my back. I yelled towards his room, "No one,"

  I looked across at Smith. "Enjoy every minute with your new partner. Now, please forgive me.

  He held up a hand, saying, "Wait." Every every inch of the door was taken up by his powerful shoulders. I asked, "Who said I have a new escort?"

  My lips were tightly pursed. Did you not state that you wanted my service to end?

  He cocked his head up. Ah, I see. I do, however, have another suggestion for you.

  I was unable to control the sigh that came out of my mouth. "I'm sorry, but I have a lot on my plate."

  His brow furrowed. The question "Such as?"

  "Stuff," I exclaimed as I crossed my arms.

  He smiled with one corner of his mouth as the void between us grew silent.

  As my brain tried to process his request, a pain started to develop in the base of my skull. "I only consented for the two nights. Grace told you I was leaving the agency, didn't she?

  She had seemed arrogant about my willingness to stay the previous time I had seen her. I hadn't had a chance to turn in the resignation letter since the weeks following my encounter with Smith had been so hectic. He didn't require to know that, but.

  He appeared bewildered. "She didn't let me know, but I'm glad you're leaving," she said.

  I fought the urge to jerk back as I tried to disguise my shock. Are my escorting skills so lacking that the customer decided I ought to resign? Whatever. Regardless of what he thought, I was going. My face was covered in a stern stare. "I don't think your proposal would interest me, Smith."

  His jaw clenched. Listen to me out.

  My ribcage tightened. I underestimated how difficult it would be to get rid of Smith Mason. Okay, good. I renounce. What is it about your suggestion that would make me reconsider and embrace it?

  Smith's head shook. No, not here. Come on over so that we can talk over coffee.

  I had no intention of getting into the man's vehicle so that he might once again use me as bait. My spine was straightened. I lied, "I don't drink coffee." This is good here.

  He did not move. We're not discussing this on your doormat, I assure you. Let's discuss like two collected adults by sitting down.

  He was accurate. The presence of a man with a chauffeur in front of the house would seem strange to the neighbors. And as for Dad, he really shouldn't be aware of any of this. I agreed and nodded. We will drive my automobile.

  Smith gave me a blank look. "Why?"

  My lips tensed up. "In the event something happens."


  He tilted his angular jaw back and raised his sculpted arms high. "I'm not harmful,"

  Hot as hell, but not dangerous? No.

  It was pointless. The man was a complete raw alpha, and I seriously doubted that he would ever allow a woman to drive him anywhere. I bailed. Okay, good. After twenty minutes, you immediately bring me back here.

  I slid into the backseat with him instead of arguing and tightly gripped my purse.

  I gave his driver the directions myself rather than waiting for him to do so. The best option would be a local restaurant in case I wanted to leave right away.

  I sat back in the chair, crossed my fingers on the table, and waited for him to get right to the point when our coffee arrived. "Well?"

  The agitation in my voice didn't appear to disturb him. He pursed his lips sensually while pounding the wooden surface with his thumbs. "Well, what?" you ask.

  He last taunted me in this way during the lift tickle attack. He was being silly, and I appreciated that. I continued to poke at him. I reminded her, "You wanted to tell me about your proposition." The question "What is it?"

  "Oh, yeah," His expression changed to one of earnest competition. I'll need your response by morning once I've informed you.

  I urged through clinched teeth, "Just say it.

  "Livia, be my personal escort."

  I blinked and stared at him, unsure if he was serious. "And leave the organization?"

  He gave me a dead-on look. We don't require them.

  My thoughts were racing. That was equivalent to providing a service without a safety net. "Are you kidding? Why? How can I consent to that?

  He raised one eyebrow. You'll receive extra money, therefore.

  I got ready to use my strongest linguistic defence. "Money is not an issue. My life is being destroyed by this escort nonsense.

  He sat back in the chair and brooded, his eyes growing more gloomy.

  Have I just injured him? I vowed to calm down. He wasn't invulnerable just because he was a billionaire.

  The pause widened the distance between us. I waited for him to correct me before speaking, but he didn't. I shook my head, saying, "I'm sorry. I have no idea what has happened to me.

  His eyes grew brighter. No, I'm the one. I've been impatient a lot. Do you have any questions you'd want to ask me?

  I made an effort to comprehend the concept of serving as his personal escort. It was completely illogical. We had a vendor-client relationship, didn't we? The space whirled slowly about. I took a deep breath and clutched the table's edge. "Yes. A personal escort is what?

  His face broke into a smile, which was followed by a loud chuckle.

  Why was he suddenly making fun of me? I said, my eyes narrowing as I said, "Not funny.

  However, witnessing Smith Mason laugh out of the blue was like receiving a gift. I permitted a smile to shatter my grave demeanor. Big error. I couldn't help but laugh as well, and my chest burst open. "This is so not," I proclaimed, trying to stop myself from laughing out loud.

  He set an envelope on the table when we came to a stop.

  "What's that?" you ask.

  , "Open it."

  I opened the enclosure and peered at the contents in awe. There was a stack of crisp hundred-dollar bills that number in the gods. Yes, I returned it to his elbow-supported stance.

  He retained his composure. Livia, consider it. The amount is substantial.

  "I have considered. It's insufficient to convince me to stay.

  He got out of the chair, took his wallet out of his back pocket, and sat back down.

  Although the money was alluring, I had no intention of compromising my morals in order to accept a payment. Smith had gone too far already. How could I believe in him? I gave a headshake. I told her, biting my bottom lip, "I don't need your money."

  He pulled out some money from his wallet and placed them into the envelope.

  Okay, when I was younger, I would have believed it was crazy to leave money on the table in that manner. But what really wore me out was the thought of his buying me—a complete human being. It was incredibly shabby.

  "As my personal escort, you would still go to my parties with me and act like we're dating."

  it much I could handle, but hadn't we been doing it the entire time? I decided to ask a simple question. "And? Why is there a catch?

  Those wicked, icy-blue eyes displayed a predatory expression. He didn't say anything as he looked over my upper torso.

  My belly's pit started to fill with butterflies. "And Smith, what is the final requirement?" I muttered because I was terrified to speak.

  "Mind-blowing, ground-breaking"

  As I threw my chair back and stood up, my heart rate increased.

  I reached for my handbag when he grabbed my hand. I could feel the masculinity of his touch, and it caused a spark to fly between my thighs. I turned away from his manly chest's hard wall. "I can't."

  "Give me a reason, and I'll take you home."

  He was so much taller than me, and I hated how little I felt as a result. How could I get across to this man that I needed to talk reason into him? I half-covered my eyes while I rubbed my temples. What's to stop me from acting like the hooker on the corner if I do this?

  He touched my heart with a flat palm in a single fast motion. "This."

  Thick desire surged through my entire body, making my nipples more sensitive beneath the bra cups.

  He kept pounding my chest and slowed down to a deep growl, so he must have sensed my trembling. "I need you to be ready for me."

  I was very shocked when I overheard him sexily croon that he needed me. Although his proposal was alluring, what did it really mean? Was I expected to wait until he announced that I was needed, at which point I was meant to hurry after him? His cock flashed across my head, burrowing itself deep inside of me. I tightened my thighs while attempting to pluck my brows. I voiced, almost inaudibly, "I'm not a prostitute."

  His expression softened, but his intense gaze persisted. "I've never thought of you in that way." He let his shoulders drop. "Livia, I can't let you go on dates that the agency arranges for you. I'll pay you generously if you can be available because I need you. Say that you will, please.

  The proposition would have disgusted any good woman. I shifted my thumb nail in my hand. Be courageous, Livia. "I'm sorry, but I swore to my dad that I would stop. Grace will help you discover someone who will accept your terms if you speak with her. I stumbled over the last few lines as I tried to see him with another girl in my head. Pleasuring and fucking

  I removed the rubber band from my wrist and tried to erase the unpleasant image from my memory.

  He looked at the rubber band for a moment, then back to my eyes. "That won't help you right now."