Desperate bargains

As I rushed for the phone and dialed 911, tears streamed down my face. While I explained, the employee on the other side waited politely. She advised me to calm down and breathe. My body started to shake violently, and I had no idea what to do. Livia, get yourself together. I took several deep breaths to relax. I informed her of his medical history, the fact that he was not breathing, and the fact that I was unsure of how long he had been unconscious. While we waited for an ambulance, she advised us to attempt to gently shake him to consciousness.

  He placed his head on my lap as I tossed the phone into the nearest corner. Why in the world couldn't I recall that high school CPR course? As directed by the emergency operator, I gave him a couple shakes, but he didn't react. In the distance, the ambulance's siren blared. As the paramedics put him into the car, everything blurred and seemed to move slowly.

  Even though hours passed, they felt like mere minutes. The hospital had chilly, empty walls. I reclined in the chair. The physicians promised to do everything they could while Dad was still being treated in the emergency room. I was forced to put my faith in them as I sat and picked at my ragged nails. Exhaustion took the place of shakiness. It all felt so weighty. I had brewed coffee but had not yet drank any water. I realized no one was aware we were here, and my chest ached in the chilly room. not Lily at all. She most likely had not returned from her date yet. I called her number and pushed through after filling a Styrofoam cup with water from the cooler.

  After the third ring, she started to speak. "Livia? Why is that?

  I coughed out, "Lily," stifling the recent tears that had gathered in my eye sockets. The emergency department is where Dad is. I'm at a loss on what to do.

  "What? When? Never mind." She appeared anxious. I'll be at the hospital you specify if you please.

  I gave her the location's address. You're not required to come. Isn't tonight a date?

  "At this time, none of that matters. Are you all right?

  When I tried to speak, a lump returned in my throat. I was interrupted before I could respond by a choked sob.

  "I tell you what, don't respond to that. I'll arrive there in five at most.

  After realizing she couldn't see me, I nodded. I appreciate it, Lily.

  We disconnected, and I tucked my phone away in my pocket. Tears streamed freely down my cheeks.

  In just eight minutes, Lily arrived in the waiting area. I attempted to wipe away the flood of tears that was nearly drowning me as she brought me to her and put her arms around me. She then massaged my back.

  'Shh, it's all right. Do not resist, my love. My best buddy reassured me that she was nearby. Say, "Tell me what happened."

  I nodded and continued to use the same moist tissue that I had been using since I came to clean my runny nose. I started out by telling her everything that had happened. My voice cracked and my throat hurt by the time I was finished.

  Her eyes were foggy and lifeless. She murmured, "Oh, honey," before encircling me once more. My closest friend gently rocked me back and forth while whispering consoling words into my ear. I must have dozed off since the doctor jerking me awake was the next sensation I had. I got up from my chair and looked around to see Lily was gone. Most likely, she had to return to her job.

  The doctor addressed me as "Miss Davis," jolting me out of my reverie. He was middle-aged, had thin-rimmed glasses, and was holding a clipboard. A solution was on the way.

  How is he doing?

  The doctor gave a fleeting smile. "Miss Davis, your father is doing great. His stroke recovery has been astonishing.

  My neck's back hair became stiff. He suffered a stroke. Why didn't someone inform me?

  He remained composed and focused. With his current state of health, a guy of his age frequently suffers from a stroke.

  Even if the stroke wasn't excellent, he did recover. Whatever I can get, I'll take. Please don't rob me of him. I quickly bowed my head in prayer before turning around to face the man. "Okay. So what's going on right now? Is he fit to return home?

  Before shaking his head, he hesitated. "Unfortunately not, Miss Davis. Before he leaves for home, we need to do a few tests. But…" He trailed, seemed unsure of whether to go on.

  The ambiance at the clinic was subdued and quiet.

  My heart pounded violently against my chest as the air in my lungs held rigid. The question "What is it?"

  He requires surgery to fully recover. It costs a lot, and your insurance only pays in part.

  I shut my eyes before opening them again. "I have no insurance,"

  The physician perused a crimson file folder. "Oh. Consider Palomino Care. What is written here is"

  I exclaimed, "It ran out." I was certain that a wealthy doctor would never comprehend why I failed to pay for it throughout my father's better years and allowed it to lapse. By the time he needed it once more, we were in a critical situation, and the customer support representative used every justification on her computer screen to avoid helping us. Nobody wanted to pay for a man's care, which would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Hello there, escort job.

  The doctor appeared confused. "Um. Okay. So… He needs this done right away, however I'm not sure if they can resubscribe you.

  The amount is "How much?"

  He indicated a set of double doors and said, "I need to verify with one of the billing staff, but I will send you that number quickly.

  He went back and gave me the estimated fee, and I couldn't control the gasp that came out of my shaking lips.

  The doctor nodded strongly. "Your father might be qualified for care from the government. Additionally, a lot of people now use crowdfunding to help the people they care about.

  It seemed unbelievable. Where do I go in a week or two to get that much cash? I leaned back in the chair after nodding. I murmured, "Thank you, doctor."

  Lily entered the room holding two cups of coffee as if on cue. I was given a steaming cup by her as she strolled over.

  I laid the cup safely on the table because it felt weak in my hands. I'm grateful, pal.

  The woman fell down next to me. "What did he say?" you ask.

  Before responding, I took a drink of the hot liquid. "He said Dad is fine, but he needs to have surgery right away."

  "Like right now?"

  He indicated I may postpone it for a week or two while I come up with the cash for his procedure.

  What price are they requesting?

  Her jaw fell when I murmured the figure, and it took her some time to regain her composure. She quietly whistled. What if the procedure is not performed on him?

  I said, my skin becoming tighter across my face, "Not an option." "I can't deal with the possibility of his situation getting worse. However, how in the world am I expected to receive the cash? I am rapidly depleting my money and can hardly begin to cover the cost of my past medical expenses. excluding his prescriptions.

  "Good, good. Relax. If we're both panicking, we'll never find a solution. In two weeks, I have no doubt that we can pool our resources and find the money. I don't care if I have to borrow money from Grace and spend every last penny of my paycheck. We'll complete it.

  It was difficult for me to see since tears were on the verge of streaming down my cheeks. I told my best buddy that I couldn't allow her to do this by shaking my head. No, you may keep your cash. This is my issue, and Lily and I can deal with it. All I have to do is work it out and remain calm. There will be a change.

  She gave me a crazy glance as she regarded me. "You believe that you are the only person who cares about your father? I've been treated like a daughter by your father. Why do you suppose that when you're out on dates, I stop over to see how he's doing? We're not taking any chances. It is not conceivable.

  Too exhausted to fight with her, I nodded. I had a vague concept of how I might be able to obtain the funds, though.

The lump in my throat was resisted. Even though I detested asking for assistance, I had no choice but to swallow my pride and accept Smith's offer. I waited for his conference call to end outside of his office. I was told to wait by his secretary and that he would arrive shortly. When the phone rang, my doubts about her remarks grew. She whispered softly while turning around on her chair. I resisted the temptation to reassure her that, if that was her concern, I had no intention of listening in on our conversation.

  She motioned for me to follow her after our four-minute phone call and took me somewhere I had never been. I shrugged off the lanky brunette and entered the office.

  Smith sat in a chair made of black leather and rubbed a pen across a legal-sized notepad. He continued his urgent scribbling and motioned for Livia to take a seat. When I sat down in front of his desk and waited with my hands clasped in my lap, he didn't even bother to glance up.

  He immediately turned his gaze to me, scrutinizing my body before returning it to my face. What brought you here?

  Oh no, Smith. I've told you why I'm here. I took a deep breath in and started. "I wanted to talk to you about the job you gave me yesterday," I took a sip. That is, if you're still interested.

  As his eyes followed the bra lines under my shirt, a tingling sensation spread across my cheeks. I stopped caring if I was trading my self for cash. It was no longer my issue. My father's health was at stake, and I would stop at nothing to keep him alive. My only chance was Smith. My mouth began to move on its own as I proceeded. I originally refused to do it, but I've now changed my mind.

  He gave me a hard look. What's different, Livia?

  I played with my nail as I bit my lower lip. Should I inform him of my dad's changed situation? My chest and neck clenched, and I stammered, "I... uh, need the money." Was I really bending over so much? I softly reminded myself that it's for Dad.

  He clicked the top button of a pen he was holding before releasing it. "I understand. But for what?

  I inhaled deeply and shifted my lips to the side. "My father," I said. "I'm sure you've already looked into this, but he suffered a mild heart attack before having a stroke. He now requires surgery. I prepared a second explanation in case it was required.

  As he placed the pen on the paper, he drew his arms in toward his body. He stood and circled his mahogany table, a downward turn on the sides of his mouth. He took hold of my hand as he sat down next to me. When did that take place?

  My throat tightened as my body experienced an electric shock.

  He placed my hand on his knee while patting the back of it.

  My pelvis experienced intense arousal that spread like wildfire. I forced myself to talk after swallowing. "When you dropped me off yesterday. When I entered, I discovered him on the floor, not breathing.

  He displayed pain. "Why didn't you call me?" I asked.

  "I didn't want to bother you, and from the way I acted, I didn't think you would want anything to do with me."

  Smith mumbled, "Livia." "As soon as I saw you back at the agency, I couldn't take my eyes off of you. Why do you think I wouldn't desire a relationship with you?

  My shoulders felt a sudden release of strain. Why? "Because I've been a bitch."

  He crooned, "Shh," his lips forming a calming smile.

  I carried on. And I've never behaved in that manner toward a client before. I apologize, Smith. It was utterly inappropriate.

  He gave me an intimidating, need to eat-me-whole expression. "You are not required to apologize for who you are. Like a firefly drawn to light, I am pulled to you. He drew nearer and murmured. I want to lay you underneath me so I can take care of all your problems because of your feistiness.