A forbidden deal

I made no attempt to control the loud groan that escaped my mouth as my expression twisted into a frown. I came so damn close. Why are you doing that? I was about to arrive.

  His eyes gleamed with an inner gleam of wickedness. He grinned amusedly before breaking out in loud laughter. The idiot had the temerity to chuckle.

  My teeth gritted together as a roar came from my throat. He trolled me, but why? It only made me incredibly frustrated.

  He did not speak as he ripped my pants down, gathered my skirt around my waist, and pulled it up. He spread me out wide by sitting my rear on the desk and raising my legs. He had the hungriest eyes I'd ever seen when he was looking at me.

  He looked at my tender center, his lips pursed, "You've far exceeded expectations," he said. He said, "Come in my mouth, Livia," and he bent down and grabbed my essence.

  The filth of his words drove me into a blissful trance. I threw my head back, grabbed him, and then opened up my legs to make room for his eager tongue. He circled, poked, and licked my full clit before pausing only to press his tongue flat against the entire organ. He was eager to drain me dry, and I was more than happy to comply.

  He spread me out like a favorite entrée, pushing my thighs wider.

  My midsection shook as arousal surged through my blood vessels.

  He tightened his grip to hold me still after noticing that my body was trembling.

  Now I knew why ladies loved the oral act all across the world. My entire body tightened as a result of the intense performance by Smith Mason, which caused my hormones and adrenaline to spike. My back arose in a quiet scream at the last swipe of his tongue.

  As my body continued to writhe beneath him, he went for one of my breasts and firmly grasped it in his strong palm.

  Smith grasped my hips and sucked the last of the liquid from his glossy lips before swallowing again. "Ready for me, you?" He fumbled behind him and retrieved his wallet.

  "Yes. Kindly, Smith. I said, "Please come inside.

  He ripped open a condom packet, applied the latex to his bloated creation, and then drew me close.

  When he stepped closer to me and pressed his tall bulk against me, I only managed to hold back a whimper.

  He positioned the wet tip to face my warm entrance, maintaining troubled eye contact the entire while he moved forward. As he gently inserted the hard stalk inch by inch inside me, I observed the smug expression on his face.

  Am I causing you harm?

  The pleasure considerably overshadowed the discomfort, and the bite withdrew after my inner walls had expanded to their proper size. It hurts, but I enjoy it. Please keep going, Smith.

  As he sunk the length as far as it would go, I gripped his massive shoulders. He took out a few inches of cock before coming back in to get closer. When he realized how patient I was with the heavy rod, he gradually picked up the pace, sparks of explosive friction flying everywhere.

  My eyes must have been closed because they sprung out wide in unanticipated pleasure when he moved his hips and stroked a sensitive area of me. My toes curled as excitement rushed through my legs and down to my ankles.

  Despite his best efforts to remain in control, his eyes began to go hazy. The last vestige of pointless restraint vanished as a raging passion swept into the space between us.

  He tugged me closer to him just as I curled my eager thighs around his waist. He hit me so quickly and forcefully that I was forced to toss my head back while yelling his name repeatedly.

  He slammed into me, his forehead gleaming with sweat. His eyes fastened themselves on mine in an unwavering stare.

  As the edge drew closer, I moved my hips, intending to block his strong thrusts. The butterflies that had been fluttering before soon vanished, to be replaced by the powerful unfurling of the worked core muscles. As he followed me into unconsciousness, thrusting his hips before growling and releasing hot seed into the latex pouch, the pleasure reached its peak and turned into pure happiness.

  He kissed my damp neck softly as the tension left our intertwined, hot bodies.

  The only sounds in the otherwise silent room were desperate gasps for air.

  Smith covered me by draping his arms and torso tightly around my frame. My body was reluctant to move, soaking up the warmth he provided while my mind tried to escape the stronghold. The last time a man had held me in his arms, I couldn't recall. Since I've been developing defensive regulations throughout the years, nobody has ever attempted to touch even my shoulders.

  The person who broke me was Smith Mason. I ran my finger along the sweat-beaded upper back and examined the moist hair that was resting on my breast.

  He stood up and ran a palm over my curls and clammy forehead. He added, his deep voice full with emotion, "Livia, let me up so I can take care of the condom, and then we'll cuddle more." He had glassy eyes.

  His voice's gentleness was supposed to elicit a soft warmth. Instead, I got the impression that someone threw a bucket of ice water over my head and kicked me out of the imaginary world I had made.

  When was the time? My father's illness was a looming threat. He was currently fighting for his life at the hospital, and I was out having sex with a huge man who was truly a client. My shoulders were engulfed in the room's chill as I mentally untangled myself from Smith. I was getting a crick in my neck and cramping from how awkwardly my legs were twisted around his waist.

  I let him go, and as soon as he started to remove the condom, I slid off the desk and pulled up my torn pants in an effort to at least attempt to look respectable.

  A refreshing air touched my drained back. It was a sign of love to embrace. We were nothing more than a fair trade of ass for cash. I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder. He grabbed my arm and stopped the doorway, though, before I could get there.

  My brain was jumbled. I was baffled as I regarded him.

  His lips were tightly pursed. "Where on earth do you think you're going?"

  I squinted. We had incredible, great sex, but it was over now. The getting to know each other stage was ended as we had been friends for a few weeks. I made an effort to maneuver around him. Job completed. I had to return to the hospital to check on my father. Or was my stay longer than necessary? I immediately regretted the coldness of the last sentence since it was inappropriate.

  As a crease appeared between them, his gaze grew gloomy. He displayed pain. You'll depart when I allow you to. not beforehand.

  I stiffened. "What? Even though I finished the job, you haven't paid me. I believe we are finished.

  On an open wound, it was like pouring vodka. He groaned and ran a hand through his wet hair as his eyes became more intense. "Money? Is that all that this was?

  What the hell is he doing? "Avoid doing this. You act as if we never agreed to the agreement. Do you forget the suggestion? You gave it life.

  As he tightened his hold on me, his biceps tensed.

  Whatever I had just uttered had sent off a fiery chain of angst.

  His breathing became labored. He hissed, "You can go and see him. You'll remain and have lunch with me first, though.

  I silently vowed to be persistent as I pulled my shoulders back. I would be late to see my father if I agreed to lunch, and he would feel like he owned me. I wouldn't allow him to win. Smith Mason was a possessive man, and if I wanted any independence at all, I had to stake my ground. I took a swallow and raised my chin. "I can't," I affirmed. "I have somewhere else to be today, and I'm worried about my dad."

  My arm was pulled free, and I backed away from him. Smith, I have to leave. I attempted to past him once more, but he persisted in blocking the doorway.

  He reprimanded me, in a voice as obstinate as mine, saying, "You're not leaving until I give you permission to go." His gaze grew softer. We'll eat lunch together, and after that, I'll take you to the hospital. I'll drop by and speak with the medical staff. He and I both worry about him.

  My skull's base was filled with a dull aching. This was becoming a bigger commitment than it needed to be. "Why?"

  He kept a determined expression on his face. I'm banging his daughter, so that's why. The least I can do is pay for the procedure and give him the finest possible treatment at a fair price.

  My pulse quickened. Was he really on my side, or was it just a game to manipulate me? How was he able to be so harsh and kind at the same time? I made myself unwind. It wasn't important. He was willing to give me the cash because I needed it.

  My shoulders felt a wave of comfort. I must have been too stunned to realize that I had given him the opportunity to drag me to the door and stow me away in the elevator. When we arrived at the parking lot of a posh restaurant, I was still mulling about what he had said. My father's procedure would have cost thousands of dollars, according to Smith. I was unable to eat even a single bite.

  "Eat. Smith pointed at the dish he had ordered and said, "You're too slim.

  I was forced to accept what appeared to be an upgraded ham and cheese sandwich since I forgot to speak up and tell the waiter what I wanted.

  I resisted the impulse to snort at the billionaire. I wasn't a model. Throughout my school years, my hips and thighs were enormous, and it took some time for my height to catch up and even things out. I muttered, "I am not skinny," but continued to eat.

  Mother constantly pushed me to embrace my physical appearance. I was moving food around in my mouth when I heard her voice. She had urged me often throughout my life to "learn to love every inch of your body and be happy in the skin you're in."

  "Livia, don't stress about the bills. Every single thing Smith said during today's session was covered by a bite of food. He chewed as if no one's life depended on it and as if signing a check would put an end to my crazy situation.

  I moaned. He might not have needed to worry as much as the rest of us.

  I pressed my lips together, which made them contract. I forced myself to accept that this was just a commercial transaction because he had made that clear. Even if the sex was explosive due to our magnetic chemical attraction, at the end of the day, we were still a client and a vendor. Everything revolved around money and cents. I murmured, "I'm not bothered about it.

  Through a straw, he drank some lemon water before setting the glass down. So why aren't you grinning any longer?

  In an effort to cover everything, my hand shot to my face. Piece by piece, the universe broke apart, and I think I could see it on my face. Why did I think that? I shouldn't have consented to any of this because I didn't mean anything to Smith and I wouldn't have been able to get the money anyway.

  A sadness-inducing pain shot through my chest as the diner swung slowly around. I had already lost my mother, so I wasn't going to let my father go without a struggle. In order to keep him alive, I had to exert every effort. It was the main justification for my offering of my body to Smith. only explanation.