Reunion and Revelation

For a brief period, Smith's piercing blue orbs darted around the diner before catching my attention. How are you doing?

  Oh, yes. You enter this space, set it on fire, and now you want to strike up a discussion. I hunched my shoulders and made an effort to grin. Things have been incredible.

  He took a combative attitude and began tapping his fingers on the glass table. "Bullshit."

  My eardrum started to hear a fast heartbeat. He didn't need to know that my assertion wasn't totally true. Who are you to judge my feelings?

  He glared at me implacably. It needs to be tracked by someone.

  Before I ripped it away, a giggle managed to escape my mouth. He had the nerve to turn up out of the blue and start ordering me around, but there was nowhere I could run. Smith Mason had a complete view. Alright, good. Shitty. Do you want to hear that?