Summoned and Surrounded!?

That moment, the ring vanished from the Sage's hand to a place unknown to Rizz. 

"Since I don't start with that, I should also be allowed one basic item at least–"

"Nope. You've already bargained for more than I'd planned for," the Sage stated in a stern, fatherly voice. "Be the gracious goblin you claim to be and make do with what you can find. Since you're so undeniable, you'll figure something out."

By then, Rizz was out of options inside the character creator. It would've been a lie for Rizz to say he wasn't brimming with excitement. Yet…

"That's it? But you didn't let me pick my class or my starting skills." The robot kicked the ground, looking down in disappointment. "How can you call this a character creator and not let me start with at least the basics? Some wise man you are, Stooge."

"Right, what a great plan." The Sage clapped for the stingy Rizz. "Make fun of the man strong enough to whisk away your soul. Maybe I'll just plant you inside a bunny, so you can spend your days running and humping to your heart's content.

"But if you're done trying to weasel your way into extra benefits, then our time here is done."

"Wait!" Rizz threw his hands up in protest, not wasting a second with any sort of hesitation. "How are we doing this? And what will happen to my old character? You aren't just gonna scrap him–"

"Whether you realize it or not, I'm a very busy man, Rizz," the Sage interjected, slowly sauntering up to the loud robot. "I'd love for you to stick around and share some stories, but you're too weak to warrant my time for free." 

Rizz stepped back, one foot at a time. "At least tell me, great Sage. What will become of my precious character?" 

"A great question… Deserving of an answer, someday." 


Rizz's metal back ran into the side wall. But he kept his arms up against the incoming Sage. "What about me? Where am I spawning in? What about my class and skills–"

"All will be answered when you next open your eyes," reasoned the Sage, casually pushing through those protesting, twiggy arms.

When the Sage reached for the other side of the robot's head, Rizz tried to shuffle down the wall. "But which world will I spawn in? What city–"

Click. Zzzzrrrmmm…

The robot locked up and shut down at the press of a button. 

Rizz was then lobbed onto the Sage's shoulder and taken back to the resting table. "Don't worry. I can't think of anything more welcoming than a good challenge." 

His stare lingered on the robot for a moment longer… taking in a long breath to ween the Sage off his abundance of bottled-up enthusiasm. 

"The Menace of Trodar… You're bringing back memories and setting some damn high expectations. So don't fuck it up. Or we'll both be in the red." 


"... but… this…"

"Tis... god… fate…!"

Murmurs… muffled shouts… various voices… So many things were beginning to fade into Rizz's mind all at once. "Ohhh… another dream…?" 

"It speaks?!" 

That denouncing cry alerted Rizz straight away. He shook his face and blinked his eyes. "Oh, it's cold in here." 

"Kill it! Immediately!" a woman screamed. 

But before Rizz could get a good look at his surroundings, he froze. An ever-growing grin was etched into his face. "I feel cold. I can feel… I can feel!" 

"Silence, you fiend! Or be reduced to ashes!" 

Rizz instantly stopped rubbing his arms and legs, scrambling to his feet. "Whoa! Whoa! Why all the hostility?"

His gamer senses were screaming at him, glancing at every corner to assess all possible threats. 

He was inside a room of stone bricks, standing over a magic circle less than two meters wide. There were five other people in the room, either surrounding Rizz or backing away from him. Three men kept close while two women were hiding behind the man with the most ornate clothes. 

"Be quiet or I'll silence you myself, fiend!" the well-dressed man barked. "Don't let him so much as move."

"Yes, my lord." In unison, the other two men drew shortswords from their hips. 

Rizz promptly dropped back to the ground. He hastily crossed his legs and threw his arms up, resting his hands on his head. "I'm innocent and mean no harm. Just look at little ol' me. Do you really think a goblin can summon itself out of thin air?"

Both women were aghast to see Rizz. 

"Just kill it already!" The older of the two women clung to the back of the man in charge. 

The younger woman peered at the goblin from a safe distance. "It… can talk so well…"

"Silence! I ordered you to be silent, fiend," spat the man. A few embers appeared and hovered above his open palm. "Say anything more to offend us and you shall face my wrath."

Rizz clamped his mouth shut and cursed the Sage in the back of his mind. *What kind of sick joke is this?! You damn Stooge!*

At the same time, Rizz's eyes scurried to find anything to help his situation. 

He brought down one hand, gradually and silently. Rizz watched as the man continued to peer down at the grounded goblin. 

*I can't see his damn level,* Rizz mentally scoffed. *He's lucky we're not alone. I bet I could kick his NPC ass while picking my nose.*

Rizz eventually grabbed what he was reaching for; a piece of chalk left behind from the magic circle.

When they didn't stop him or attack, Rizz peacefully rubbed away some of the faded and used-up circle. 

"It… can write as well?" the young woman questioned in unbelief. 

But everyone was watching it happen with their own eyes. All five were now witnesses to the irregular scene. 

The leading man squinted as he read the surprisingly legible handwriting. 

"My name is Rizz… and I am sorry for scaring you… I have no idea why I'm here… Please… can we just talk things out… from one man to another?"