A Promise in my Name


Skrod bellowed before his mother could cry out in further objection. "It's one thing to doubt a man's abilities. It's a whole other thing to slander and threaten him. You never accept patients talking to you like that, so why should he?" 

"He's no expert! He doesn't understand the simplest of things when it comes to herbs and herbal crafting!" Barka stood her ground, leaning into her staff. 

"Are you saying you refuse to let Master Rizzio treat Straka?" asked Skrod. 

Barka rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Ha! This man shouldn't be treated anything, let alone those who are critically injured. He'll only waste our few resources and make things worse."

"Gillee," Rizz spoke up and turned to the deerkin woman. "Do you trust me to work on your son?"