New Day, Same Urgent Quest

[Save the Deerkin and Elkkin Survivors: ongoing]

[Treat and save as many deerkin and elkkin as possible. Reward: Determined by how many deerkin and elkkin are treated and how well they have recovered. Time Limit: 10h, 42m, 09s]

*Why the hell is this thing still active if they've already recovered?* Rizz pondered. *Does this mean I can try to help them recover even more in the meantime? Or do urgent quests always have to run out the clock?*

"... Rizz? Are you sure you're okay?" 

Shaking his head at first and shifting to a nod, Rizz laughed off his zoned-out silence, "Of course, I'm fine. I can't remember the last time I woke up so refreshed." 

"Are you hungry at all?" 

His stomach interjected with a growl. "Um, yeahhh… I'm pretty hungry."

Gillee filled a bowl with a few heaping ladles of stew. "Here you go. Venison stew and the whole pot's for you. Even if it isn't filled to the brim."