Slapping Solutions Together

From his basket, Rizz pulled out a mortar. Before either of the downed guards could ask what was happening, three small jars were emptied into it. One moss stopper and two mending greens. 

"Give me just a second…" 

Rizz's tongue poked out the side of his mouth. Pinch by pinch, Rizz started adding thage flakes. 

"U-Um… Saint, what are you doing with–"

"Silence!" spat the goblin, launching a finger toward the mumbling guard. "Or I'm gone!"

"Yessir! Green Saint!"

Rizz next used a pestle to mash and stir it all together. He almost spilled some of the mixture by going a bit too fast. So he slowed down slightly while keeping an eye on the added thage flakes. Rizz didn't stop until the flakes of thage were smashed into flecks and grains inside the swamp-green slurry. 

"There. That should do it…" Rizz sighed.