Skill Evolution at its Finest

With a burdened brain, Rizz rushed back to dinner and enjoyed Fada's take on Lady Barka's mushroom stew. It was easy to see why Skrod had picked her from her culinary skills alone. 

That helped ease the stress swirling through Rizz's mind. But only for that night. 

By morning, Rizz was still pestered by those buzzing thoughts of assumptions and system theories. At least he was back in the privacy of his borrowed hut.

Rizz also found a note on a chair atop a pile of dyed leather clothes. 

Ecstatic, Rizz swapped out his regular brown clothes for his crimson shirt and grey pants, sad to not have a mirror nearby. His mood was still happy though, as he brought the undyed pair to Gillee. They could then be dyed during his last day in the settlement. 

However, news of his leave wasn't spread at all.