Hustling the Winter Bison

Ignoring the cold snow, Rizz dove at a diagonal while the beast was a couple of strides away. He rolled and shivered as his sandals found footing the next second. But that thin layer of snow wasn't enough to freeze the goblin's overboiling determination. 

As expected, the winter bison tried to hook Rizz with a horn. 

However, when the horn attack missed, the bison blew past Rizz to perform a wide, charging turn as fast as its broad, heavy body could muster. 

Rizz clapped the flats of his daggers together with a taunting glare. And the Winter Bison charged in once more, with Rizz feinting to dive right again before making a sideways leap and roll to the left. 

The third charge was imminent. That Winter Bison stomped through the ground with a bellowing snort. How could it not be enraged by a tiny lv. 8 daring to toy with it?