A Single Shot?!

After the darkness of night settled across the sky, a fire was already keeping their campsite lit. 

Dinner was more bison. But, although Rizz enjoyed the meal, he was fast to move on to something else. 

Sabina finished cleaning everything up while keeping an eye on the brutally focused goblin. 

*Why is he doing that?* she couldn't help but wonder. *Rocks wouldn't do anything to that monster bison.*

Once she was finished with her few campsite chores, Sabina approached the goblin at the edge of the small clearing. "... It looks like I'll run out of water soon."

"Then we'll fill your keg and my bag at the nearest creek."

Rizz's words were directed at her. His targeting gaze, however, never left his targets. Two pinecones sitting atop two branches jutting out of the ground. They were up higher than Rizz was tall, with almost of meter between the pinecones.