Who's Dreaming Now?

"I thought you'd never ask."

When the goblin waved for the cheetahkin woman to come closer, the entire room was pulled into limbo. No one knew what was coming next. Though the smug smirk on the goblin's face set high expectations in everyone's minds. 

"Hey, old timer! You got a minute?" Rizz cupped his hands over his mouth as he yelled toward the kitchen door. 

The waitress shuffled in that direction out of impulse. But the door opened before she could stick her head in. 

"What's going on now? Is the brat still giving you trouble?" The old boarkin rubbed his bald spot with a groan. 


"Not anymore," Rizz answered the father's teasing question, cutting Lobur off. "I've got a question for you. Who butchered that ram on the wall?" 

"Course, it was me!" the old man brushed his apron off with pride. "Lanbor is the best butcher in town!"