Guiding the Discussion

"Tell me what you can about this third sample. Like why you don't have any test samples with acid."

Aakur nodded through his emerging disillusionment. "This is a substance that no one knows of and we lack all ability to harm it in any way. The debris attached to the black mineral is also too strong for us to dig through or break away…"

Rizz's mocking chuckle cut through the molekin young master's thoughts. 

"In other words, you happened upon some samples by accident? Or… have you run into a vein of the stuff and you've failed to work around it?" 

Aakur leaned back in his chair after picking it up and turning it to better face the goblin guest. "You're wiser than I'd anticipated. That's quite the assumption to make with so few details.

"Perhaps, you've some experience with this indestructible ore?"