Truth Behind the Black Ore...

With a half-hearted chuckle, Chief Aeklun rubbed his forehead. "If anything, you've helped your sister greatly. 

"She now owns a branch vein of this white gemstone. This will allow her to close the gap with your brother's standing in the tribe, possibly surpassing him should her vein stretch long enough."

Aakur kept his mind steady. He clenched one hand after the other, alternating each second. 

"I understand having consequences for my actions and decisions, both negative and positive. But I do not regret those actions or decisions. I stand by them. I will solve the issue of the intrusive black stone. Just as great-grandfather solved the dilemma of the drokum."

Aeklun's face shriveled into a tight frown. "Son… I've told you. Your great-grandfather wasn't quite the man you believe him to be.