Day's End with Fresh Expectations

With a trademark smirk and snicker, Rizz patted her shoulder one last time before strolling out of the room. 

"Oh yeah." Rizz grabbed the door handle. "Since we need the Ice Bison broken down a.s.a.p., you'll have to stay here and help out while I hit up Big Lake." 

"R-really?" Sabina questioned. 

She gradually moved past the closed conversation, looking over her shoulder to stare at the goblin. A heartfelt smirk crept onto her face without her realizing it. "Have your plans changed?"

"Nope. I just need you here, storing that beast blood as fast as it can be bottled." 

Rizz flashed a cheeky grin. "So don't expect this necklace back till nightfall. I've got too many things to prepare, including your summoning ink."

The door was opened and closed before the softspoken Sabina could properly reply. 

All the same, a giggle trickled through her sharp teeth and small smile. Sabina gingerly pressed both hands over her heart.