The {{Companion}} Tab

It took all of Sabina's mental fortitude to keep herself from shouting. 

"This… This is unnatural. I've never heard of a skill such as this before."

Rizz kept using telepathy, winking at her. 'Thank you for sharing your precious EXP with me. 

'So make the most of your new [Extreme Agility] and pay close attention to everything I teach you. With this, I can start turning you into the finest saber ranger in all of Preimos. So be on your toes, follow my orders, and be ready to hustle at a moment's notice. You got that?'

All at once, Sabina dropped from the trees and landed on one knee. Her head was bowed. Her elbow was bent atop her lifted knee. Her free hand pounded against the forest floor in a fist.

"Yes, Master Rizz! I'm overjoyed! Eager to follow you for the rest of my life!"

Rizz's smile widened as he cocked his chin skyward. With a resounding guffaw, the goblin straightened his fingers and pressed them against his puffed-out chest.