You'll be the Off-Tank...

'Stop here.'

Rizz's voice rang through everyone's head that time, earning a nod from Gerrart. 

'Are there any more side passages?' 

The befuddled molekin nodded a bit, mentally replying, 'Yes. There is one more for in the path before reaching the plague ore at the dead end.'

With that in mind, Rizz scoured his memories for any chance of identifying the unseen rats via their tracks and the signs of battle. But there wasn't enough evidence to narrow his field of search. Not to mention the possibility of it being a new rat species altogether. 

'How much distance is there between the gold and the last fork?'

'It's maybe a five-minute walk from the final fork in the mine to the gold vein. If you're walking slowly,' Aakur answered. 

'That's too little of a gap… If we go either way and find out that rats live on both ends, we'll get flanked. That's a no-go.