Collecting Loot & Clearing the Darkness

"Oh yeah, I should correct one thing. It's too big a lesson to forget." 

Rizz wagged one of his freshly straightened fingers, getting accustomed to its soreness. Unlike his apprentices, who were instantly reeled in with listening ears, Rizz paused to savor his aching sensations. 

*So this is what healing pains feel like?* Rizz thought to himself. *It hurts. But it feels so good… Proof that I'm still breathing. That I'm alive… And a damn good reminder to not get hurt again.*

"What lesson, Master Rizz?" 

Sabina's voice pulled the goblin back into reality. 

Rizz shrugged with a taunting grin. "Tell me. What sounds worse to you? To get slaughtered by a one-hit kill, or to bleed out from a thousand nibbles?" 

"The nibbles, for sure," Lobur answered without hesitation. "That's why you targeted the rat leader first, right? So the colony didn't have a leader calling the shots, making it easier to deal with them." 

Clap, clap, clap...