Bad News & A Mad Goose

"What's gotten into you, bird brain?"

Rizz was already swatting the air, preemptively keeping the storming goose away. 

"Can't you see I'm busy–"

HONK! H-honk! Honk!

Unafraid of the goblin, Phil blitzed past that flailing hand and flanked the goblin. Phil snatched the goblin's collar with his beak, dragging the goblin away from the workbench. 

"What's wrong, damn it!? At least let me finish my ink, you feathered lizard. It's for the sake of your precious master too–"

Honk! Honk! 

Phil released the goblin as soon the workbench was out of reach, spinning Rizz around to stare him square in the eye. 


Rizz hesitantly peered into to goose's frantic gaze. 

"... What went wrong?"


"Huhh… the OP featherhead can't speak." Rizz massaged his temples while rethinking his line of questioning. 

"Is our squirrely mayor okay?"