Mira's Cause for Defiance

"You helped coordinate the mayor's capture, didn't you?"

Sh-ting… t-t-tunk...

The small throwing knife clattered to the floor; knocked away to a far corner of the room. Rizz's disillusioned gaze drifted over his blocking blade to meet the cold stare of the mousekin matriarch. 

"That's two strikes, Mrs. Mira. I'd be extra thoughtful if I were you," Rizz remarked with a weak sigh. 

Mira's brow creased. Her tight frown began to tremble and shrivel.

"I've no reason to assume that you're here for the benefit of my kin, Mr. Rizzio. I'm merely protecting my tribe's interest as best I know how, as I've already told you what we require before accepting your proposal."

"Then listen closely," Rizz snickered, "cause I've been telling you how to act this whole damn time.