Chapter 84

They were doing a great job holding back the monsters of the Abyss but soon it won't be enough. Still, it warmed her heart to see them fighting together. Not as groups or organizations but as humans. 

She was well aware that all the groups here were reclused and would prefer to do things by themselves yet here they are. They may like each other, or they may hate each other. She has no way of telling but it but one thing no one can deny was that they were working together.

Just seeing them made her want to yell out loud. This was what she wanted to 'see' the most. 

'Look! This was the power of humans! We have no need for the gods to intervene.' Humanity back in her homeland served the gods yet here, no one was telling them what to do. They were doing not out of faith for the gods. She was sure they had their own reasons, but they did what they had to do.

Wanda, her youngest disciple has once asked her how she separate people. Wanda separated people by good and bad from what she could tell. She did not know how her two other disciples' fare. 

People often mistake her as a 'good' person. They like to believe that she would always be on the side of 'justice'. She did not separate people as 'good' and 'evil'. The correct term for the way she separates people would be 'close' and 'far'.

Even back in Lordran at world's end, she did what the Ashen One wished for he was the 'closest' to her. Had he wished to save the world, she would follow him. But he wished to destroy it and so, she obliged. 

If you look at it from another perspective, it was sort of messed up. Choosing between saving and destroying the world based on what the person closest to her wants. She sacrificed herself alongside the entire world for the choice of the Ashen One.

Even when she survived unexpectedly, the way she separates people has yet to change. The closest species to her was humanity and so, she will save it. She believed that she would be helping the side of the Abyss had she woke up there with their powers instead.

She raised her palm as it faced the open sky. Countless fireballs were formed in the sky. Once it was filled to the brim as she wished, she brought the wrath the first flames upon the creatures of the Abyss. Her eyes hidden in the metal blindfold lit up in pleasure seeing them howl in agony.

One might ask why she would smile upon seeing them howl in pain. But she knew the Abyss and the creatures that dwell within it. The Abyss was the complete opposite what the first flame was.

It stands on the other side of whatever side she's on. The first flame and the Abyss were mortal enemies who will fight till the end of time even if those two were the only one to remain.

Countless souls have sacrifice themselves to 'HER'. The firekeeper has already perished alongside the ashes of Lordran. What stands here was just an incarnation of her combined with the first flame. 

She could not stand seeing the Abyss spread before her. She could live in peace just by knowing the fact that the Abyss existed in this world. Every single cell in her body, every single mass that made her was screaming at her to destroy the Abyss.

To not spare a single creature there. To do whatever it takes to eradicate it. To ally with anyone who would help her. To slaughter any being attempting to help it.

With one move, all the creatures that were currently out of the Abyss was incinerated on the spot. Not even ashes were left for they did not deserve it. Neither an ounce of mercy nor pity was present within her as she burned them. 

All the humans there looked up to see a spaceship hovering in the sky. An interesting reaction ensues among the masses. She was not surprised by this as most people there looks like they were out of touch with technology. 

She jumped out of the plane and landed on the ground. The new sorcerer supreme descended alongside her. He has a flair for dramatics from the looks of it.

"Ah... it reminds me. I have yet to know thy name. Mister?"


"Mister Doctor?"

"It's Strange."

"Maybe, who am I to judge when people call me keeper."

"No, you can just call me Dr. Strange."

"Who are you?", asked the man with blue bracelets. Despite the power she showcased all three representatives of their respective groups seems to hold no fear of her.

"Thou can address me as Keeper but if thou wish to know in depth, I hope we can meet somewhere after. There is a lengthy story to tell. But for now, may I know thy names first of all."

"Xu Wenwu, leader of the ten rings.", said the man with blue bracelets.

"Ying Li, guardian of Ta Lo.", said the woman in the green bamboo mask and hat.

"Danny Rand, uh ... iron fist of Kun Lao.", said the man with glowing fists. They were not glowing anymore now that he was resting.

"I will heal them first. Then, we can talk."

"It is fine, I can do that.", she said as flames sprouted from her palms. They break off into tentacles and went into the bodies of all those who are injured. In all, it was a spectacular sight to behold.

All three looked at this astonished. But they snapped out of it and looked at her.

"Now that, introductions are done, I suppose we can go talk.", said Strange. For now, it was clear that nothing was coming out of the Abyss.

"Let's go inside the tent.", said Wenwu as he walked towards the largest tent there. Inside was a large round table with chairs all over. She sat down on one. She left her crew behind to help with whatever the warriors need.

"First, I need an explanation.", said Ying Li. 

"Why are we the ones doing this. Do you not think that your government should be doing something about this? Why did you call upon us?", she continued. 

It looks like Strange was the one to gather them all. He had something the Ancient One fails to offer. Thinking freely and openly cooperating with others.

"A regular human would only become corrupted and turn into one of them. I had to look for more manpower."

"Then, what about my people? They are all regular man with no power.", retorted the leader of the ten rings.

"Regular man but they are more well-trained than any force on Earth. They are the best of the best." Wenwu clearly looked pleased with the answer he received. 

"So, what is the Abyss?", asked Danny Rand. It was the most crucial question. And it was her turn to answer for no even the sorcerer supreme had knowledge of the Abyss.






This is Chapter 84.

We get a deeper look into the keeper's mind. Tell me what you think of it.