Chapter 20


Bartholemew, your grandeur, is here.

"Send him inside right away."

The elderly butler bent his head to his master's back before exiting the space to welcome the visitor. The sound of the fireplace crackling was the only sound in the room, and as the elderly maid went, the sound of light flapping filled the air.

The dark figure, which had been reclining against the fireplace mantel, slowly turned to face the fluttering. Really, Bartholemew? He lifted an eyebrow and snorted quietly. An egret?

The seagull got up from its perch on the couch and flew out onto the porch before changing back into the old guy it had been before.

Old Bartholomew grinned, "It was the only practical form to take, Malcolm. Any other and Alpha Alrik or Jaslynn would have gotten suspicious."