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Lesson #2

Welcome back to another lesson with me, your host, Major. In today's lesson we will be discussing pure Trick energy and it's various effects.

First let's discuss, what is pure Trick energy?And when is it used? Well first of all, Pure Trick Energy or PTE is actually present in all standard tricks. There are some tricks however, that it is physically present in.

Let's look back to the last chapter. Aureli used two tricks that made use of physical PTE. She created an orb of PTE and then kicked a beam into the ground made of PTE. 

Both attacks took on a crimson red colour. The colour of PTE is chosen by the user but the colour that represents the person the most is the colour the PTE is strongest in. Additionally PTE has different grades and these are ranked on strength. The grade of PTE is determined by the user, higher grades require more focus and focus is part of muscle memory and will grow over time. Each grade also has a different physical appearance.

Grade 1: The lowest grade. Takes on the simple appearance of the colour.

Grade 2: Takes the colour form and also sometimes will spark with electric particles in the same colour

Grade 3: Same as grade 2 but it will glow brightly giving it a white glow to it. The sparks are more often.

Grade 4: Will develop a black orb in the centre called a negative flux. Will also develop an aura. 

Grade 5: The negative flux will now be coated in a white positive flux. The outside will be swirling with PTE particles.

Grade 6: the PTE will take on a much stronger amount of Positive/Negative energy.

And so on...

Also when the PTE makes impact, the visual impact looks different. E.g. Grade 2 will spark with lightning and Grade 6 will have a positive/negative explosion.