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Chapter 40

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*. "Coming!" Asia called out from the other room. She got up from the sofa and ran towards the door, opening it's massive lock. The door swung open, revealing Nathan T. Rymoni, standing at the entrance.

"Found you..."


...Is the patient awake?

...I don't know doctor. Martin did a number on his brain

...give me the shock pads. Wake him up already.

...here doctor.

...and shock.

Major's body flung forwards, ripping through three belts that were tying him down. He looked around at the bright lights of the room. He was only wearing his trousers now. There were many pads hooked up to his chest and back like a scene from an alien movie.

"Get me the syringe, put him out already!" A doctor prepared a syringe full of red liquid and jabbed it at Major's arm.

Major grabbed the doctors hand in an instant, smashing the syringe into shards of glass, causing the red liquid to pour to the ground. Major squeezed hard, breaking every bone in his hand, causing the doctor to fall to the floor in pain. He cried out in agony as every bone had been smashed to bits.

Major kicked his leg up, breaking the belts holding it down. He axe kicked the table he was on, smashing it to pieces. The rest of the doctors in the room stared on in terror at the monster that had just awakened before them. Major stared at his hands which had healed up completely. He touched under his right eye, which solidified into a small scar.

"That will teach me about letting my guard down again." Major walked towards the door of the room, it was glass and he could see that we was in some kind of testing facility, full of medical equipment and concoctions.

Major kicked through the glass door, smashing it to pieces. He walked through the entrance to see many bodyguards armed with firearms. They all cocked their pistols and aimed them at Major.

"Subject 4353, stand down or we will shoot." A tall, buff man spoke in a deep tone at Major. He was confident in his tone and grip on the gun, no hesitation detected.

"You think im scared?" Major walked directly toward the barrel of the gun. "Pull the trigger then. I'm not afraid." The man edged backwards, away from Major. His nerves were now spiking and he was clearly is some sort of distress. He'd never seen someone so fearless in the face of a gun. "Shoot me. See what happens."

The bodyguard edged away but stopped. "Everyone! Fire. Now!" He shouted at top lung. The entire force of bodyguards shot their pistols straight at Major all at once.

"Reflux." The entire areas momentum grinded to a halt. The bullets floated in mid air. Major created a focal point that pulled in the bullets. After momentum resumed, Major held his hand out to catch the falling bullets. "Fancy another shot?"

The entire force of bodyguards backed away and ran in the opposite direction. Many stumbling in fear as they ran. Major stared at the glass in front of him. He could tell that he was high up, in a skyscraper of some sort and it was daytime outside.

"I'm sorry NaRoBu. I know I tried to only use your negation. But please,lend me your strength." A white flicker appeared in Major's hand. He smiled at it and looked upwards, towards the sky. "Thank you."

Major opened his mouth and a white ball of flames conjured and condensed in his throat. He spat the flames out in one massive burst. They smashed through the glass of the building, causing an influx of white flames to disperse from the building. People from all around stared at the white flames, spewing from the Buzzard.

Major walked into the entrance that he'd made. The glass shards that were falling were pulled back to a focal point he had made. No civilians were harmed at all. He jumped from the building, falling to the ground and zapping away just before impact.

At the WPA base in North London..

"Nox! Nox!" Jelly came rushing into the lounge room where Nox was asleep. She shook him profusely and woke him from his nap.

His eyes flickered as they adjusted to the lights of the room and the fuzzy image of Jellys face, shoved at his. "What on earth are you making all this noise for. Just let me sleep." Nox pulled the covers back over his eyes.

Jelly punched him in the abdomen, breaking the sofa in the process, leaving a pile of wood, sponge and leather. "I said get up!" Jelly looked strangely on edge about the situation. It was completely unlike her.

"What, what, what do you want?" Nox clambered to his feet sleepily, yawning as he reached an upright position.

"The button!"

"The button?"

"The button is flashing. The Major button."

"The Major button.. Wait." Nox woke up immediately when he realised the situation. "Major's button is flashing?"

"Yea look. Something is happening." Jelly pulled a small white button from her pocket, it was flashing in colour at rapid speeds.

"He's released it again. But why." Nox ploded down on the sponge mess. "We need to get to America, quickly. He wouldn't use that if he didn't have to. Pack your bags. He's released NaRoBu in its purest form."

Both Nox and Jelly swiped all of their stuff into bags and stuffed those into suitcases they had brought from the storage plain. They used a trick to make a mini portal to the storage plain.

"We'll just hitchhike on the roof of the next plane to Los Angeles. I just hope he and Asia are safe." Nox and Jelly ran out of the temporary base and took a taxi to the airport.

From the other room, someone was eavesdropping on their conversation. "Asia, one of my best friends. When I went by the handle, Marie..."