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Chapter 42

"S..sire, please tell me this isn't real." Lemin was frozen in shock at the sight. Nathan's neck ratcheted and stretched out making disgusting bone clicking noises as he forced his face closer to Lemins.

"What isn't real?" Nathan grimmaced his teeth, revealing five rows of uneven sharp teeth, sticking out in all different directions, his mouth stretched and broke, ripping his jaw back, revealing many rows of teeth and two long slick tounges that whipped out and grabbed Lemin by the throat, lifting him up in the air.

Dark pulled out a massive golden hammer and smacked the ground, making a gong sound. A single spike of the floor, erected, cutting Nathans head clean off, releasing Lemin to the floor.

The things neck started pulsating and bulging out like a blister, ready to burst. Part of the neck busted open, splattering blood all over the floor. A small blood covered arm sprung out from nowhere and started pushing the head towards Nathans body.

It latched it's arm to the exposed neck of the body and started merging with it. The body started to rip open. The head that looked like something out of a nightmare and the body started morphing into an abomination of horror.

Dark stared there still and Asia followed suit. They both recognised it. The creature standing before them. It was the same creature they saw the night of the massacre. They had visions of it ripping open people's bodies with it's teeth. Crushing people to death. Cutting organs from they're bodies. The very same monster Nathan T Rymoni turned into.

The creatures head turned at an unnatural angle and stared deep into Asia's eyes. It spoke with a deathly demonic tone, revealing it's nasty rows of teeth as it spoke. "Are you ready to join your parents in the afterlife?" With its many limbs, it slipped and dragged itself along the floor like a snake with legs. It slithered up towards Dark and Asia.

Asia backed off from the horror, watching it as she walked. Dark summoned his hammer once more and prepared for a fight. "I've used this unique trick to keep the town restored for years now. I refuse to die here!" He smacked the ground with the hammer. The house started terraforming and morphing into a different shape. The walls erected out and the roof started to cave in. The floor moved the creature away from Dark, separating them in great distance.

Lemin zapped to Asia and zapped away from the house, which was now speeding away from the town, changing shapes as it went. "That man has some serious power." Lemin was amazed at what Dark's trick could do.

"I never knew my uncle was so strong. I've only ever seen him use it for small fixes here and there." Asia looked on at the battle that was unfolding. She felt safe in Lemins presence, even though he was the one that originally tried to capture her.

The house started to split apart and create an open plane, where Dark and Nathan stood face to face from eachother. "What in hell are you?" Dark spoke with his soft tone, standing on a morphed piece of ground. "To think I was even fooled into thinking you were human."

"Why I am a nightmare itself. I hail from the nightmare plain. One that isn't linked to this world." The creature morphed back into a humanoid shape again. "You see, I have a purpose to fulfill. Believe me, I will fulfill my duty."

"You and what army?" Dark spoke with heavy authority, believing himself the superior combatant of the two.

"I'll have my army, believe me. I'll have my army." The creature struck out a limb, full of razor sharp teeth and nails towards Dark like a whip.

He smacked the ground with his hammer once more, causing an updraft of spikes that crushed and grinded the limbs into pieces. The bits of loose flesh scattered around all over the place.

The creature smirked at his advantageous position. The scattered bits of flesh, whilst still in the air, exploded and morphed into tiny needle like tendrils that scattered around the place. Dark was pierced by four of them, in his ear, shoulder, wrist and leg.

He was stunned and all of a sudden and fell to his knees. The tendrils retracted and sunk into his body like poison to his blood flow. He started to feel light headed as the creature ate away at his body from the inside.

"If I'm going to die. I'm going to die fighting." Dark looked up at the creature with much determination in his eyes. He was ready for his final pursuit.

"No, you're not." The creature held its hand up and the monsters inside darks body erected once more, piercing many of his vitals. Blood poured down his body and he slowly perished.

His determination was the only thing keeping him alive for a short time. He struck his hammer once more and the ground fastened to it. He zapped inches from the creatures face and swung the hammer at full speed, destroying the creatures entire cranium.

He fell to his knees and smiled. "My job is done here." Dark stared at the lifeless body of Nathan T. Rymoni.

From the creatures chest, a mouth started for form. "You're job is done. Goodbye now." The creature held a finger up to him and it shot out like a bullet, piercing his brain.

Dark's body fell to the ground, leaving just his ghostly form where he was stood. The creature started laughing uncontrollably. "You asked what army I had. I'll show you what army."