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Chapter 45

A direct hit. The black orbs struck Nathan directly in the dome, causing him to fall back and hit the ground hard. He could feel his body starting to shift and change. Parts of his body started to clump up and deflate like he was boiling water in a pot. His outstretched limbs were starting to retract into his body.

His young looking face was starting to crease and wrinkle like he was aging at rapid speed. His arms were losing muscle and his bones were becoming more brittle. His Hair was turning from a jet black colour to a deep white.

The entire town gasped at the man in front of them. It was a familiar face they all recognised. The old man who ran the local shop. Nathan T. Rymoni. His old body scammered to his feet.

"Damn you.. My youth. Youve stolen my youth." The old man was rickity in his movements, looking as if he needed a walking stick of some sort. "Years! I've spent years obtaining that body. All to waste. But it matters not. You've given me too much time."

He shakily held his hand up in the air. The red glittering trick appeared once more in his hand. "Arrise, my brother's. This is my army." Nathan smashed the trick into the ground.

A red swirl portal started consuming the ground beneath it. It was spreading and growing deeper and larger. The ghostly townfolk started floating in the opposite direction. The others joined in and started running as the entire town was being consumed as the portal grew larger and larger.

Nathan let out an evil laugh from his old and broken vocal chords. Holding his hands out like Jesus at the abomination he had created. "Good luck humanity. This is my time." He laughed uncontrollably at his success.

From the deep swirl, disgusting, evil creatures started to ascend through the portal into earth. Thousands of nightmarish creatures ascended from the portal which grew bigger and bigger still. The nightmares ascended, being taken upward by their wings. They looked like imps, demons from hell itself, beings of the worst dreams possible.

Some larger creatures started to ascend, armed with spears and wings just like the imps. They walked across the ground towards the townsfolk. Johnny uploaded a clip of bullets into them. All of them regenerated nearly instantaneously.

"Damn things are immortal." Johnny reloaded his pistol and cocked it back again.

"How many clips do you have?" Lemin turned to him and asked.

"Four. Not sure if any will be of use. Know any tricks that could get us out of this?"

"Dunno. Could use Major at this point in time." Lemin thought about all the tricks he actually knew. "I know some basic elemental tricks. They might be of use." Lemin held his hand out.

A ball of fire appeared in his hand and shot out towards one of the nightmare imps. It smacked straight into it, burning it's flesh away slowly. No regeneration.

"Guess that's the way forward." Johnny clicked his mag open. "Can you set my bullets alight?"

"I'll try." Lemin hit the magazine with another ball of fire. Johnny aimed without looking and fired a bullet, taking out three imps with a collateral shot. Lemin sent another three fireballs taking more out. They weren't getting anywhere though as more imps ascended from the portal.

Finally the entire army ascended and after them a huge thirty metre tall dark knight, welding a giant spear ascended after them. Nathan spoke. "My lord, I have done it. I have opened the portal to earth."

"Yes my brother. You have done well... But are no longer of use with that body of yours." The giant titan of a being stabbed Nathan through the chest with the giant spear. "Be thankful that you die at my hand."

Nathan looked up to him with betrayal in his eyes. "My king, why?" A tear rolled down Nathan's eye. "I'll damn your name into eternity."

A white flash blazed through the titans chest, causing it to crumble. The behemoth brute stumbled to his feet, in shock at the mass of white flames that were destroying his body slowly. Behind him stood a white flaming figure with a crimson eye.

Major clicked his fingers and everyone in the army went up in flames. The titan was shocked to the core at this turn of events, frantically looking around for options before having his heart wrenched from his chest and dropping back into the portal from which he came.

Major sat down on the portal, negating it and turning it into a pit of nothingness.

Asia ran over to Major and hugged him tightly. "You finally came. Thank you." Her eyes widened at the sudden construction around her neck. Major lifted her up by her neck and was crushing it slowly.

She forced the black orb in her hand straight into his crimson eye, causing both of them to black out.

Major flicked his eyes open and found himself staring into space. Hundreds of stars surrounding him. He was cold and damp, lifting his fingers out of the substance he was laying on. A strange starry liquid dripped from his hands as he lifted them up.

He sat up and found Asia laying next to him, fast asleep. He shook her to wake her up and her eyes reluctantly opened aswell. She was shocked by his face, considering that he'd been strangling her moments before.

They both got to their feet and figured out their surroundings. The strange liquid splashed at their feet and in the distance they could see two people in the distance in front of them. They walked for what seemed like an extremely long time and eventually caught up to them.

The two stood looking out into the infinite space, not saying a word to eachother.

"Hello?" Major spoke and the two replied.

"It's about time you are here. Have a good sleep?" They both turned around. One a adolescent man with brown short hair and the other a teenage girl with long flowing red hair.

"A great sleep thanks, where are we?" Asia spoke.

"This is the place. It doesn't have a name really. It's just here. We've nicknamed it the AEnigma." The girl spoke.

"The AEnigma?" Major inquired.

"Precisely. The place where the chosen two go. Now the chosen four."

""How come we are chosen?"

"Like us, by accident you destroyed your universe. Now is the time to create anew. You get to make one change in the next universe. Chose wisely."

"What about you, don't you make the decision?"

"No, we will be gone after the new universe is made and you will take our place."

"Doing nothing? Hell no. I've decided, you two and us two will live in the new universe. Any objections Asia?" Major spoke.

"None here."

"Cool my new rule is that me, Asia and what are your names again?"

"Moshi and Mureli."

"And Moshi and Mureli will live in this new universe. Done."

A sea of white glared in their faces and a new universe was made.

Story continues on AEnigma...