

BELLE walks into the office cheerful as usual .She walks into the training room to find two members of Team Two fighting while the rest of the team members are trying to separate them.

BELLE yells

"What's going on here!"

Everyone scuffles leaving the two fighting members in the center


"You two, come here"

She points at the two men who are still glaring at each other and stands by the center of the room.


"Now...Its not the first time the two of you are confronting each other and it keeps happening because you haven't learnt to respect each other...Now lets put this matter to rest once and for all Am also curious who is mightier between the two of you so fight!…"

murmuring in the room as HEAD tries to interject…

BELLE in a threatening voice

"Do you want to join them"

The two men now stand scared afraid to fight

BELLE in an angry tone

"What are you waiting for? you either fight each other or come and fight me…as I said we are putting this matter to rest today"

HEAD slowly heads back


"Fight am rooting for one of you…the winner of course, wait a moment let me go and get my First Aid kit"

By now the room is entirely quiet. She quickly leaves the room and comes back with her first aid kit


"Nothing has happened yet?"

The men apologize and promise to never fight in the office again

BELLE in a disappointed tone

"what a waste ..I was looking forward to a good fight..."

(In a serious Tone)

"but let me make myself clear not only to these two but everyone else. I will not tolerate fights...if this happens again, I promise you, you will have no choice but to fight me...but not just fight me...you will have to fight me and win...

ooh and we will be fighting while wearing the period pain simulators you had on the other day...yes...it will be like fighting a predator in its habitat..."

(In an excited voice)

"Am actually looking forward to this now"

Murmuring in the room she continues

"if you loose or refuse to fight me you will be kicked off the Team...These differences can put your team members in the field in danger. While you two are trying to quench your egos even client lives can be at stake, I will not have rabid dogs in my team...Speaking of rabid dogs.."

she hands HEAD the assignment.

"We are leaving in a few gear up I will brief you on the way"

She leaves the room. HEAD and the Boys gear up and join her as they ride inside an armored truck.

On the way she briefs the boys about the sensitive documents they are supposed to drop at a remote site. She takes a nap during the rest of the ride. Just as they are about to get to the site she wakes up in a jolt.

"Before I forget there are rabid dogs at this site"


"I was wondering about this since you mentioned dogs in the training room but it was nowhere in your brief"


"It slipped my mind, but its nothing to worry about"

The Team is dropped along the road where they take a hiking trail at an off grid site in the middle of the woods.

ALLURE After walking for a while

"Are you sure you know where we are going? "You haven't even looked at a map since we got off the truck"


"Now...it wouldn't be a secret site if it appeared on a map...this is a site that only people with good memory can trace...And do you want to know the weird part?...The trail we will use on our way back is different..."




"So that first timers can't recall it..."


"At this rate we will sleep in the woods today"


"Its a good thing we packed up a tent"


"We packed a tent?"

BELLE pausing

"You didn't? where are we all going to sleep tonight"


"You didn't mention that before we left"




"OOh!... and you are just talking about a tent? what of food?"


"We will just have to eat at the Clients premises and sleep there then head back tomorrow"

BELLE chuckles...

"Do you think its a place you can eat and sleep in..."

The boys look at her worried

She smiles

"Have all your electronic devices lost signal"

The boys look at their phones and nod


"Then we are close....within and a few radius from the facility no outside electronic device function works..."

Finally the team arrives at a heavily guarded government facility. At the entrance they are screened intensely and let in.

CHIEF OFFICER AT FACILITY walks towards them smiling at BELLE .He stops abruptly and gives her the sharpest salute, BELLE smiles salutes back

"Am no longer in service you know that"


"I know...its habit"


"You know these people


"Yes I used to work here ..."

Surprised nods from the boys

The boys hand over the documents to CHIEF OFFICER AT FACILITY he takes them and enters one of the buildings with BELLE. The boys wait outside in the open field. Suddenly three monstrous German Shepherds run towards them.

ALLURE is the first to notice them....

The dogs charge ,ALLURE quickly climbs on top of a armored tank, AUGER joins him, HEAD tries so hard to look manly but gives in and follows suit AEGIS the last one to climb cuts it close. By now the four men are on top of the tank with the officers guarding the facility laughing their heads off while the dogs bark at them.

Just then BELLE and OFFICER AT FACILITY come outside.


Please record for me that video I will use it to blackmail them in future

CHIEF OFFICER AT FACILITY chuckling while taking out his phone to record

"You haven't changed at all...you should come back we miss you


"I have come to appreciate the private sector, the hours are amazing"


"Just say you like it because there are no rules and you enjoy releasing your crazy"

She laughs

"You know me too well...let me rescue my men, you know the route back is difficult I need them in top shape."

She walks towards the tank and yells

"Captain! Lieutenant! Major!"

Suddenly the dogs stop barking and rush towards her...they greet her with warmth, she laughs genuinely pleased


"I missed you too..."as she continues to pet the dogs .


Have you ever heard her laugh like that?


"Of course why wouldn't rabid dogs recognize their kind…"

HEAD looks at him questioningly

"what ...don't tell me she isn't as rabid as those dogs"


"Attention officers.."

The dogs obey and stand still next to her.




"A bad show from us running for safety"

the Boys cough in embarrassment and jump down from the top of the tank

BELLE turns and looks at them menacingly as they are trying to cover the embarrassment by now all eyes are on the Boys.

HEAD looks at BELLE ,a faint smirk on her face, fear sweeps across his face

"No she wouldn't..."



The dogs...position themselves ready for an attack



The dogs run towards the Boys who jump and climb back on top of the tank again laughter roars within the facility.

She calls the dogs back and says a heartfelt goodbye to them as they are taken back by another officer at the facility. Her Boys get down from the tank embarrassed. She then says goodbye to her former colleagues and they leave the facility

CHIEF OFFICER AT FACILITY escorting them to the gate speaking to BELLE

"Are you sure you are safe in the hands of these men in these woods, you know the route back is more dangerous...I mean I saw four men holding high profile rifles run away from three little sweet dogs..."

BELLE smiles, the boys look down embarrassed

"As their leader its my job to protect them so no need to worry"

At the gate they are given gear in which a tent and some food are packed. The team leaves the facility. By now its almost nightfall. After walking a few clicks from the facility,


"Why would you embarrass us like that?"


"Embarrass you?... You ran with your own two legs not mine how did I embarrass you? How can trained officers run away from trained officers…Since when does a trained dog harm…?"


"A trained dog will harm someone armed..."


"Yeah... true then you should have dropped your guns"


"Plus you told them to fetch…"


" How is that on me? the lightest amongst you is seventy kilos do you believe that a dog is able to catch you and bring you back to me I told them to fetch not attack…"

HEAD hesitantly

Please... don't mention this to my wife am already on her bad side due to the period thing..

BELLE laughing

"You truly have a sense of humor my man ,now why would I mention this to your wife..."

HEAD exhales relieved

BELLE continues

"I will show her a video its more believable...I have a video..."

The boys sigh as they continue to walk in the woods. Suddenly it starts to drizzle She pauses,

"Lets set up camp our gear will become heavier if we are drenched in the rain... besides am very hungry"

They set the one big tent that was given to them at the facility. She stands by the tent entryway admiring the rain. It starts to rain heavily she zips the tent entrance and turns back to find the boys seated on the three four foldable stools that had been availed.


"No gentle man in this room how could you all seat and let the lady standing..

ALLURE pats AEGIS'S thigh for her to sit. Without hesitation She smiles and walks towards AEGIS


"Am not heavy plus its just till I finish the food."

Before AEGIS could say anything she turns sits across that they are chest to chest.

HEAD shakes his head AUGER And ALLURE are amused.


"Wha…did you expect If I sit like a chair you can't eat...am.."

AEGIS Uncomfortable

"Ahhh you are poking me"

BELLE Holding onto her chest with one hand

"with what?...if anything you are the one with tools to poke someone"

ALLURE clearly amused


"What…(sigh)... I mean with your chopsticks!…aahhh..have the seat I will stand"

He gets up and leaves the chair for her she eats heartily. She proceeds to covers herself with her jacket once done eating.

"Just so you know those are your sleeping positions, even if we make it to the extraction point our transport broke down so lets rest till almost dawn because the other truck is on route but you all know how far this place is, it will take it several hours before it gets here."

The boys sigh exhausted...


"Why didn't you ell us earlier. And how did you know yet none of us has had signal till about a few kilo meters back?"


"Why would they give us a tent and food at the facility if we could trek back to the extraction in time? I thought you figured that much out. JOHN contacted the facility before we left.

Plus I was being considerate ,the worst time to worry someone is when they are just about to eat. Also availing that info earlier and now does not change anything, if anything you should be thanking me ,I have lessened the hours which you have to worry"

The boys sigh exhausted


"It is going to be a cold night"


"Should we all cuddle up then…minus HEAD of course"

The men cringe away from her She pouts

"Someone would think it was a cactus that offered…okay sweet dreams "

she huddles and covers herself...

"Oh before I forget ,I hear there are Tigers in these woods so the three of you should keep watch, I will take the second watch with one of you later. Again imagine if I had availed this info earlier ,you would have been scared all the way here... you should be grateful for my timing"

she pouts and sleeps

Later in the night as the boys are still keeping watch her phone rings and they jump in fright. She had set her ringtone to the sound of a roaring tiger…She wakes up and smiles as she picks up the call…once done she stands up to stretch just to catch the boys looking at her angry


"What… someone would think I released an actual tiger in here, yes I know I changed my ringtone for this occasion but you have guns are you afraid of a simple tiger …oh I forgot mere dogs ,trained tame animals scared you earlier what of a wild tiger...well our transport is here you know we have to walk to the pick up point"

The Team packs up and start to walk towards the extraction point. BELLE leads with ALLURE close behind her then AUGER then AEGIS and HEAD trails.

After walking for about a kilometer BELLE jumps scaring the boys who also jump scared

BELLE amused

"Oooh..is nothing"


"are you going to keep this up"


"How old are you seriously..."


"Definitely older than all of you…people scared of mere ring tones"

The walk continues ,finally they get to the extraction point exhausted to find only the broken down truck .


"I thought you said our rescue was here"


"I didn't want you to worry...I also timed this message like the earlier ones"


"seriously...so help is not coming?"


"Help was on its way, but is blocked due to the bad weather, imagine if I told you that while we were still in the woods, if you are this angry now...you could have woken the tigers for real then.."

ALLURE nods in agreement as he jumps to the back of the truck.

"I will take a nap as we wait for the rescue truck. Besides an armored truck is better than a tent."


"You see, at least someone appreciates my timing and delivery of bad news."

The other boys jump to the back of the truck as well and she joins them. Inside the truck her phone rings again the boys jump


"How is that on me?...seriously we have climbed the back of this truck four men and a woman, unless a tiger was waiting for us in here...plus you have heard this ringtone before..."

She answers the phone. She hangs up and sighs exhausted


"I guess ....its more bad news..."


"Its only bad news if you don't have a solution."

She puts on her Jacket and jumps out.


"What are you doing?"

They all jump out with her


"What...Why are you following me, do you think I would leave you here by yourselves and run back to civilization?"

She asks the driver to open the hood

AUGER scoffs

"No way you can fix a truck too..."

BELLE takes the tool box and checks inside the hood


"Wow is there anything you cant do?"

AEGIS steps on his feet to stop him from sounding so amazed.

BELLE Without looking from the hood

"AEGIS a jealous man is attractive only when he is jealous of other men speaking to his woman not when he is jealous of his own woman"

AEGIS scoffs...

"Whose woman"

BELLE continues to tweak things in the hood


"Do you know what is wrong with it? do you even know what you are doing?"

BELLE shoving a flashlight into his hand...

"Even if I didn't, I will keep a look of someone who knows what they are doing, and if I fail to fix it I will just say the truck needs a spare part that has to be bought and we have to wait...I will advise you not to keep your hopes up"

HEAD chuckles

Just then another tiger roar...


"Seriously you haven't changed that ringtone"


"Its my phone I will change it when I feel like, If I had the same ring tone in the city you wouldn't have reacted, also the roar started at the back of the truck yet I have my phone here with me..."

THE BOYS jumping in unison


BELLE smiling

"I cant believe I got you again"

Exhausted sigh from the men again


"Seriously... you need.."

BELLE pulls his hand closer into the engine to interrupt his talking


"I need to see...the sooner we finish the sooner you don't have to hear tiger roars. Also the fact that all of you think a predator will roar before pouncing on you is really funny, why would it give you a warning? even you as a trained soldier would never yell here I am, about to shoot...now imagine a predator born to hunt...it has mastered the art of stealth...and if it were to roar, maybe its to call the others to tell them where the feast is..."


"Seriously... now you are just saying that to scare us.."


"Am I? ...Is there any of you who knows anything about tigers? I used to work in these woods can you afford to doubt my word? Again thank me for my timing...Imagine if I had made you aware of this earlier..."

Scoff from AEGIS


"AEGIS at this rate, your lungs will collapse from all the scoffing..."

He scoffs again louder


"Was this entire journey about emasculating us?"


" Noo...Am not competing against you or trying to emasculate you am just trying to survive…the dog adventure though was to emasculate you, I honestly thought one of you would at least maintain their ground HEAD or AEGIS you and ALLURE not a chance"




"Of all the men here you care more about your face, your morning routine is probably more complicated than mine, there is no way you were going to let a dog scratch it...

as for ALLURE he hasn't lost his inner child, meaning amongst all of you he is the one hasn't been tainted by the world, he is the one you should trust in a mission as he still has a lot to live for.

HEAD would do anything to look manly so yea..

AEGIS looks at the world through a harsh lens, he has seen enough danger he welcomes it, I could see it on his face he was debating whether to wrestle the dogs.

The tiger ringtone was just for a good laugh and the truck breaking down is just bad luck.

Suddenly the rain starts to pour heavily, BELLE continues unbothered, suddenly she looks up surprised as the rain seemed to have stopped. She looks up to notice her boys have all held their jackets over her head to protect her from the rain. She is moved by their gesture

"but how could I emasculate any of you …when your first instinct is to protect me, even from things that cannot harm me like the rain…Only a man who can't protect can be emasculated…"

BELLE rising up and closing the hood

"We need a spare part..."

Sigh from the boys she smiles and walks to the drivers window and asks him to star the truck it starts she jumps to the back smiling. ALLURE jumps in excitement the other boys smile and shake their heads as they join her.

They ride back to the offices with ALLURE and BELLE dozing off. AEGIS looks at her and smiles to himself.

Finally they get to Wolf Agencies building the boys head to the changing room, she knocks walks in and hands them each tablets and water


"Take them while am still standing here"


"What is this..."




"Medication for what?"


"Am not taking anything…"

BELLE scoffs

"If I wanted to kill any of you, I would have done it in the woods and buried you there and pinned it on the tigers…take the medication...I don't want any of you getting sick, you have been in the cold and rain through the night...and the hike was not gentle either."


"aww you truly care about us"

She scoffs

He then proceeds to take his tablet, the other boys take theirs as well

BELLE sounding unbothered

"I don't want you catching the cold and infecting me with it…"

just then a guy comes in with four hot bowls of steaming hot soup



And leaves the room fast before the boys say anything,

ALLURE digs into his soup joyfully.

Later they all leave the office. Just as she is leaving the office BELLE meets HEAD who is standing with his wife by the entrance BELLE smiles and waves her phone behind HEAD'S WIFE making HEAD scared.

AEGIS Following her from the building

"Give him a break just for today...its been a long day and night for all of us"

BELLE scoffing

"You are speaking like you were not there, you outdid a pole vaulter do you know how high the top of that tank was? I think you did it in one jump...both times..."

she smiles as he walks away from her to avoid further ridicule. She hails a cab and rides home.