0029: Make her pay

Devon had finally finished with his meal, as he dropped the spoon to look at the lady Camille who had her teeth and at the same time her fists clenched. She is the duchess. How possibly could this so called general speak to her anyhow he wants? This is unacceptable. 

"You know very well you could be beheaded for a loose tongue, don't you?" He sighed, giving his all concentration of the lady who was obviously angry at him. 

"Pardon me great General, but my response was not blunt..." 

The king picked up one of the spoons neatly placed on the table, then clicked it on the his Royal cup to stop the lady Camille to stop speaking more further. 

"I expect you to listen to General Devon. He is very right. This is my decision, and you are to respect it. My ancestors had been tested before they were coronated ad the king of the land. And this must be respected. I know very well, my son would understand."