6.1| Erosta Day (2)

[Song for scene: Eden - Sex ]


Gunter gathered a handful of flowers and ran back over to Yuè. "Here, put these in your hair. Hurry!"

Yuè was seated at the edge of the lake, his bare feet submerged in the warm water as he ran wet fingers over his injured arm and throat gently.

With each stroke of water, the bruises on his arms faded, the pain fading with it. It was not as efficient as water bathed in moonlight, but still a welcome relief.

Looking up, he smiled at Gunter, reaching out to take the flowers gently. It was a handful of white and yellow daisies that were growing on the edge of the pond. He tucked one behind his ear and a few more into his bun beside the hairpin. "How's that?" He asked.

"Perfect! No. Amazing." Gunter gushed excitedly. "Now stand up, so we can pretend you're walking down the wedding aisle." He ran across the field with his arms open, then he stopped to gather enough flowers to make a bouquet before running back to hand them over.

Yuè gave a huffed laugh, standing to his feet and accepting the offered bouquet. "And who exactly am I marrying?" He teased me, adjusting the handful of flowers to sit in his hold more comfortably.

Gunter looked offended. "Me. Didn't you say earlier I'd be an easy choice?"

Yuè snorted. He had him there. Blowing a strand of hair from his face, he smiled again. "Very well, my future husband. Shall we?" He slipped his arm through Gunter's.

Gunter grinned. "Yes, my beautiful wife. We shall." He slipped his arm free and scooped Yuè up into his arms, carrying him over to a large, yet tall flat rock.

When they reached the top, he placed him down; the setting sun encasing Yuè in an outline of gold.

Gunter kneeled with his hand extended for Yuè to place his own in.

Yuè giggled breathlessly, placing his hand into the offered one. "Now what?"

He slipped a ring on Yuè finger; it was a rose quartz colored band that wove like branches holding flowery shapes, and along the head of it was a medium sized diamond that shone blue. "It was my mothers." Gunter said excitedly, flashing a smile that showed all his beautiful teeth.

Yuè gasped, staring down at the ring with wide eyes. "Gunter…I can't. I can't take this." He said. "You shouldn't play with something so important." He went to remove the ring from his finger only to find it wouldn't budge.

Gunter shot up. "But you said I could be your husband. You're the only person I like."

"Would you look at this Kayden," Someone else's voice cut in, rude sounding. "We got some fags."

Yuè tensed, spine straightening at the sound of voices coming from below. He dared to look down, finding two unfamiliar men there leering up at them with smirks that spoke volumes of trouble. His hand shot out to grab Gunter's arm cautiously.

One of the men had the same silver eyes of the wolf that had bit his leg the day he'd been cast out of Ironedge, short spiky red hair and freckles.

The other who stood beside him looked the same, except his eyes were golden and held no peppery red marks along the bridge of his nose. Twins.

"What? Cat's got your tongue? What'd you bring us, Gunter?" Asked the one with silver eyes.

"Leave us alone, Hayes. Yuè isn't participating." Gunter stood in front of Yuè protectively.

Kayden, golden eyed and feckless, smirked, making pucker lips. "Go on. Kiss. I know we interrupted something special. I wonder what father would say if he finds out you all saved a human and my brothers attacked."

"You wouldn't." Gunter shook his head. "Then father would call you weak for not finishing the job."

Hayes picked up a rock, his silver eyes narrowing as he chucked it and hit Gunter in the head, causing blood to trickle down the middle of his forehead. But Gunter didn't flinch, he remained in front of Yuè.

Despite the fact that his heart was racing in his ears, Yuè tugged Gunter back, a worried look on his face at the sight of blood. "Have you not a festival to celebrate? What purpose have you for causing such senseless harm? Are you not family?" He scowled down at the two men.

"Festival?" Both twice said at once, tipping their heads in the opposite direction. One left, the other right.

"Why would we do that when we can just finish the job?" Hayes clicked his tongue and his face elongated into a snout.

The sound of crunching bones followed, their skin splitting as fur sprouted and their limbs lengthened and their legs twisted.

"Run!" Gunter shoved Yuè, his teeth sharp. He jumped into the air and landed in wolf form. A brown long coat while the other two were a sandy red.

Yuè got a glimpse of Gunter smacking one of the brothers on the ground and snapping at their throat before obeying.

The drums of the festival filled the air; it was beginning.

Yuè leaped from the rock in fear, looking back over his shoulder to see the two wolves ganging up on Gunter. Panic and worry set in. Surely they would not kill him?

He doubted it as soon as he thought it. The two had seemed malicious from the start. True beasts on the hunt. He couldn't leave Gunter to fend for himself.

He needed to get help, but Marcellus' warning rang in his ears. Going to the festival was a death sentence for him. His pace slowed as he came to a decision. He wouldn't let something happen to Gunther because he was a coward. He would just need to say he was claimed right? If he was claimed he would be fine.

Taking a deep breath he ran in the direction that the music was loudest, nearly tripping over the hem of his hanfu as he scrambled up the stairs towards a set of large gates. He could already hear the chatter and moans and laughter.

His hands shook as he pulled the heavy gate open, slipping inside. Gathering his nerve, his eyes searched the crowd for Marcellus or Emery, finding them both seated towards the head of a very large table filled to the brim with food and wine. "Forgive me, Alpha." His soft shaky voice carried over the crowd of people as he lowered his eyes submissively to stare at his bare feet.

Emery leaped out his seat before any of the others turned an eye to pay Yuè any mind in their drunken laughter that rivaled the intensity of the music. He took hold of Yuè's arm and rushed toward the deserted bonfire in the distance.

"Yuè… do you not realize if Marcellus heard you, or any of the others you'd be dead." It was the first time Emery sounded angry. Though concern outshined the anger part.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't know what else to do." Yuè tried to calm his frantic breathing. "There were these two men that came to where me and Gunter were playing. They attacked him and he told me to run. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have come here, but I didn't know what else to do." He grabbed Emery's arm tightly, dual colored eyes wide with panic. "They were fighting when I left."

Emery's gaze darted back and forth thoughtfully until the sudden realization. "Kayden and Hayes."