36.| My Fathers Not My Father

Yuè stared at her for a long moment, mind stuck on what was being told. His immediate response was to deny it. Qiang did not seem the type to do things for the purpose of being malicious. His father had only ever been good to him, teaching him kindness and to search for the good in even the cruelest of people. 

His lips pressed thin and he closed his eyes. "Perhaps his reasons were noble ones. Perhaps he thought it was for the best. I do not know what sort of man my true father was." He tried to defend, but did he really know what sort of man Qiang was before either. It made his stomach twist into knots. 

It was all too much for him. Too many overwhelming things happening in such a short amount of time. Why did this woman choose not to appear to him, telling him all of these things? He didn't want to hear anymore. 

"Enough. What good will telling me this do for? What do you gain? What Do you want me to say?" Yuè asked.